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Comment Re:I always wanted to know (Score 1) 339

why call it a life sentence if you can be paroled?

Because the sentence is for your entire life. Being on parole is essentially early release. You are a prisoner serving your sentence in the community.

Being on parole is not the same thing as being free. And you aren't automatically granted parole. you need to convince a parole board that you have been rehabilitated and pose no threat to the community. And even then usually restrictions are put on you, and your sentence is not commuted so you can end up back in prison for life for any small transgression.

Comment Re:3 strikes and he's out (Score 1) 339

In Canada, the average for first degree murders in 2002 was 22.4 years... We are pathetic

In Canada first degree murder carries an AUTOMATIC life sentence with NO POSSIBILITY of parole for 25 years and there is absolutely ZERO discretion in sentencing.

I should correct that ---- This is the punishment for adults. So if you want to include children who are convicted of murder, then your information might be correct.

Comment Re:Arm Or Leg For Kindle (Score 5, Informative) 62

That isnt even the best part. They still have to pay for books to read.

Probably more of a profit for them than anything. "Donate".... please, it is nothing more than a scam anymore.

or they can just download any of the thousands of free classic ebooks that are in the public domain and even available on the amazon store?

Comment Re:No such claim (Score 1) 109

Is it unethical? Sure!

Calling a corporation unethical makes as much sense as deliberately injecting ebola virus, and then calling the virus unethical. It is the entire corporatist system which is unethical. every legal market niche where there is money to be made will be occupied by some corporation. The patent system is simply being used for exactly what it was set up to do - enrich patent owners.

Comment Re:New criteria for government action (Score 1) 184

Kindles don't support footnotes, which is also a pain but equally irrelevant to the issue of how much or little tax Amazon pay.

It supports hyperlinked end-notes and has a back-button, so unlike a real book its convenient to read the end-note and then return to your original position.

Foot notes dont make much sense when a page is dynamically formatted to the size of the screen - if you had a foot note marker at the bottom of the screen then there would be no room on the screen for the actual foot note, which means the foot note would need to appear at the bottom of the following page, which is confusing at best.

Comment Re:How? (Score 2) 130

How is this any different than allowing police to break into homes and install covert cameras? Do they already allow this?

It's different because you can't install a million covert cameras without breaking into a million homes, and owning a million cameras. and then having enough personal to actually look at all the footage.
installing spyware on a million computers/phones on the other hand is ACTUALLY DOABLE.

Comment Re:*facepalm* (Score 1) 100

Actually it does, in typical government inefficiency it will take considerable resources to process this fine, and most likely there will be banking charges involved which means at least some of the money leaks into private hands.

So this is basically a make work project for already wealthy lawyers and bankers. Fascism at its best.

Comment Re:Don't watch it (Score 1) 515

It's not like TV stations are slipping this video in amongst their shows and commercials to trick you into watching it. If you don't like it, don't watch it, and stop trying to force your religious views on others.

The thing I fid interesting is that on one hand you have "don't watch it if you don't want to be offended/Free speech Yaaaaaay!!!!" regarding the anti-muslim propaganda while on the other hand .. you have doctrine for castigating any attacks on another people/religion .. so codified that it even has a well known descriptive name "Antisemitism"

I'm not saying that attacking one group is any worse/better than attacks on another group - however I do believe that a lot of people in western countries would have a different opinion if that film on youtube was anti-Semitic.

(and yes I know there are anti-semetic films on youtube, but they are not as well publicized as the film du jour topic of outrage. IE Videos from the Westboro baptist church )

actually no. If jews went on a rampage and killed random people because of an anti-semitic video, I would be just as pissed off at the riots and still not really care about the video. If a video went and more or less accurately depicted Moses as the genocidal psycho that he was, I would probably applaud it.

oops I just called Moses a genocidal psycho. perhaps all the christians, jews and muslims on the earth should riot now.

Comment Re:What Cox is saying... (Score 2) 946

Beyond a mere declaration of a function header nothing else in code that dynamically links to another object is derived from that object. And since that small snippet is an API it is not copyright protected by law. So you don't need the GPL to derive from it.

As far as any data being passed back and forth at run time - you are not the one who is copying that data, (it happens at runtime in response to actions of another human being who has dynamically linked the other object) so you are not the one who is deriving anything from the software.

If I'm wrong I'd love to know about the court case that contradicted me.

Comment Re:Genetic diversity... (Score 1) 213

The ONLY logical conclusion for your premise is that we should rip all the hard earned equity accumulated by people upon their death and give it to the state. What makes you think that is any better than how it currently is? What makes you think wealth is the only thing you inherit that gives you advantages?

I made a claim about the definition of Libertarianism. How you get from that to all these other things is a special form of logic that eludes me.

Unfair Advantage does not equate to opportunity.

I never claimed that either.

Tall people have an unfair advantage when playing basketball, however, all people have equal opportunity, hence all the under 6' players that succeed in basketball, and people like me (6'5") can't shoot for shit.

People are born with all sorts of advantages and disadvantages, it is wholly unfair for arbitrary rules designed to "level the playing field", which equate (IMHO) to the cure being worse than the disease.

we are not talking about fairness. And we are not talking about advantages people are born with. We are talking about advantages that society GIVES THEM.

Property is a RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PEOPLE. It is ARTIFICIAL. You only inherit because everybody concedes that you inherit. If everybody claims that the state inherits, then the state inherits. If everyone claims that the king inherits, then that is what happens. It has to do with social relationships.

Abolishing private inheritence may do little to equal the playing field in terms of innate advantages but that is still more equal than allowing it.

Take for instance the biggest industry that plays upon the advantages of inheritance (not necessarily monetary), Hollywood. It is a bastion of Liberal / Socialism group think.

It's not, but I don't care about Hollywood. We are talking Libertarian core values.

Comment Re:Genetic diversity... (Score 1) 213

Um... that race wasn't even allowed to vote in every state until recently. Most of their grandparents couldn't even work the worst jobs in society because of discrimination. The fact that their grand children aren't running the country yet should be a given... oh wait.

yeah because if there is a black president it means that black people are running the country.

Comment Re:Might be incentive to buy American? (Score 1) 543

If some law which creates a right of first sale specifically refers to goods made in the United states...

The right of first sale an axiom upon which the entire structure of the United States is based. You know the phrase "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" from the Declaration of Independence? In the first draft, that was "life, liberty and property" and even though the wording was changed, the essential idea remained the same. There is no law "creating" a right of first sale; it is an inherent human right!

Destroying the right to sell property is the same as destroying the right to own property; a ruling such as this would transform the US into the most socialist country the world has ever known -- way beyond even the Soviet Union.

Copyright revokes the normal rights other owners have over their own property. The US is the most copyright crazy country the world has ever known by the way. Beyond even the Soviet Union.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
