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Comment Re:It's the "you can't sue us" escape clause. (Score 1) 79

What a colossal waste of time and money.

And had the treatment you thought you needed not worked, you'd be complaining the doctor was incompetent because they listened to you rather than doing their own research.

Quite obviously you're a programmer because you know everything and your work is never wrong.

Comment Analog, still better than digital (Score 0) 278

Don't have to worry about a company telling you you can't listen to the music you already purchased.

Knobs and buttons are far superior to crappy touchscreens when trying to change stations.

No ridiculous black bars down the side of a picture when the camera is held vertically.

When the power goes out, an analog phone line doesn't die or need a charger.

No reading a manual to figure out how to set your a/c or heating controls.

Typewriters never lose your documents.

As a general rule, you can fix a broken analog device for less than the cost of a new digital one.

A compass never needs a satellite to tell you which way is North.

You'll never see a 0x00000008 error on a piece of paper.

Comment Re:if it doesnt work (Score 2) 464

More generally, if your glasses are not helpful when using a computer, then, while using a computer, TAKE THEM OFF.

You said that wrong . It should be:

More generally, if your glasses are not helpful when using a computer, then, while using a computer, . . .



Comment Re:Kind of disappointed in him. (Score 2, Insightful) 681

a calculated and unwarranted troll towards Christians on their numero uno holiday.

A holiday which was forced on people at knife and spear point to co-opt an already existing holiday (nice Christians ya got there), which celebrates the birth of someone who was born sometime in the spring/summer and who has inadvertently led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people (a billion perhaps?) and which, for the most part, has turned into feeding frenzy of mass marketing Chinese-made cruft to the masses.

Now compare that to Newton who helped get us to the Moon, developed mathematical models to help explore our universe, and who contributed in numerous ways to our understanding of what goes on around us every day such as reflecting telescopes. See for example:

This link and this one for what Newton gave us.

So what did Jesus give us other than death and intolerance, as evidenced by your post?

Comment Re:Why would I buy it when... (Score 0, Troll) 288

Pirates don't buy.

Of course they don't. They're too cheap to pay for something someone has produced and believe they are entitled to take what they want.

They're never a missed sale, they're simply a no-sale.

Hardly. They obviously believe the product has some value or they wouldn't have stolen it. Whether every single pirate would have paid for the product is another story.

If one doesn't believe something have value, why steal it in the first place?

Comment The more interesting part (Score 5, Insightful) 368

and reports against officers dropped by 87%

While most people on here are focusing on the police portion, the civilian portion is more damning. It shows the amount of crap police have to put up with by people who think they'll file a brutality report so they can not be held responsible for their actions.

I don't have the link, but some on here will remember the video of the woman who was in the back of a police car yelling and screaming for the police to stop hitting her without realizing a camera was recording the whole thing. When she claimed police brutality, the video was shown and the charges were thrown out.

While there is certainly some police abuse going on, there are much more claims by people of police abuse where none exists. Just like dashboard cameras, it works both ways so when people claim they weren't doing anything when they were shot, the camera will show them reaching for their gun (see the most recent shooting in Missouri though we don't have video of the incident).

Comment Re:Duck & Cover? (Score 2) 69

Because cowering under your desk will protect you from a nuclear blast!

It wasn't so much protection from the blast but from falling debris. If we assume one was far enough away from the blast to not be fried, getting under a desk would offer some protection from ceiling tiles and such which might fall, similar to how standing in a doorway during an earthquake offers some protection if you can't immediately get out.

This idea is still orders of magnitude better than former head of Homeland Security (and former Governor of my state who got the pension crisis rolling) Tom Ridge telling people to use duct tape to seal their windows and doors to protect them from chemical or biological attacks.

Comment Can this be disabled? (Score 1) 115

How many times have we seen people who set their updates to Automatic in a Windows environment get in trouble when an update mangles their system? I know people who say, "I always get every update as soon as they come out" then bitch when an update did something to their system.

Can this auto-update be turned off or changed to manual?

Comment Re:sigh (Score 1) 190

Before I had to put my best bud to sleep, I had bought a small piece of carpeting (2' x 1'?) with a moderate pile and put it in front of the litter box. When he walked over it after taking care of business the litter would fall on to this and every so often I would take this carpet outside and give it a good shake and a few smacks.

Took care of 95% of litter trackage.

As to covered litter boxes, I have never had an issue with any cat using a covered box. I just made sure there was plenty of light shining into the front.

Comment Re:Public land closures (Score 1) 48

As someone who goes to caves, you should be aware more than most of the cross-contamination you are unwittingly causing. One of the leading thoughts on white nose disease in bats is it is caused by the transportation of bacteria and such from one cave to another.

A family member works for the Bureau of Land Management and has seen firsthand what happens when people randomly go in and out of caves. Once a single bat has a white nose, the entire colony is on a death march, not to mention the general trash spelunkers leave behind or the damage they can cause.

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