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Comment Re:XP didn't make sense in the first place (Score 1) 367

If you've never used any variety of Linux before, you will need training.

You can be a whiz at writing scripts and batch files to do things on the Windows side, that does not mean you will magically know how to do things on the Linux side.

Just because I am very capable of writing a presentation for the higher ups or giving a speech does not mean I have the capacity to write a book.

Comment Re:Apple vs Tree? (Score -1, Flamebait) 197

No, there is not huge difference. As I said a bit further up, it wasn't his to take. It doesn't matter what it was, it wasn't his. Period.

Call it what you will, the software, in whatever form, was Microsoft's. Not his. He had absolutely no right to it any way, shape or form other than to work on it.

The only ignorance is people like you who think they have a right to something from someone else and do whatever they feel like, just because they can.

How about this. You work on a piece of software, I'll take the code in whatever form I feel and give it to a big company who will make billions off it, leaving you with squat.

That would be fine with you, right?

Comment Re:Why waste the money? (Score 1) 914

How would you remove them from society?

Execution. Simple, fast, effective.

You do realize these behaviors are so prevalent precisely because they were selected for in earlier versions of the Darwin games?

Yet supposedly we're the smartest animal on the planet, able to suppress Evolution's pull and understand right from wrong. If someone can't grasp the simple concept that murdering someone just so you can have their phone is a bad thing, there really is no hope they'll be a functioning member of society.

Comment Why waste the money? (Score 0) 914

Why should we waste money on people who obviously have chosen not to abide by the simple rules of society. It's not as if not stealing, murdering or raping are new concepts.

We as a society no longer have the time or resources to continue to coddle criminals. Recidivists should not constantly be leeching off the public dole with free room and board.

Removing these people from society has multiple benefits including not having to worry if they're going to commit another, more violent, crime, not having to house and feed them for years at a time and if we're really lucky, taking them out of the gene pool so they can't reproduce.

Comment Had he not waited. . . (Score 5, Informative) 129

until the last second to begin real treatment, things might have turned out better.

Instead, Jobs abandoned common sense and reason in favor of hocus pocus, "alternative" crap which did absolutely nothing to help his condition and may in fact have contributed to its severity.

There's a reason real medicines are tested and "alternative medicine" isn't. If they weren't alternative, they would be listed as medicine, used every day and give tangible results.

Comment Re:Won't do any good. (Score 3, Interesting) 264

makes it a lot harder for people to lie about their interaction with a police officer.

I remember a case where a woman claimed she was beaten in the back of a patrol car by the two responding officers. Too bad for her there was an in-car camera pointed to the back seat which clearly showed her yelling and screaming, telling the cops to stop beating her, and she was the only one in the scene the whole time.

Comment Re:Typical partisan whining. (Score 1) 578

The constructive contribution I have is to make everyone who uses medical services pay for them. Stop this nonsense of people going to the emergency room with the sniffles and saying, "I'm sick."

"No shit you're sick, so are 5% of the people in the city. It's flu season. That' will be $50."

The second part is to force the smokers, the obese, the alcoholics and drug users to change their ways. All of the above are lifestyle choices they have made. They want to smoke? No problem. It's their choice. But I shouldn't have my money confiscated to pay for their bad choices.

But neither will be done, will it? Because that would involve personal responsibility and we can't have that, can we? It's easier to make people pay, and pay, and pay some more rather than taking a hard look at the driving issues of rising health costs.

The uACA has nothing to do with health insurance and everything to do with giving free money to insurers.

Comment They're getting desperate (Score 1) 578

A failed web site launch, failure to meet their initial sign-up goal, failure to meet their predicted sign-up goal, continual fudging of implementation dates for random portions of the ACA.

It's just like having Bush all over again.

Hopefully people have finally gotten the message and aren't handing over their money to private companies just because the government says you have to.

Comment Re:CS is not IT / system admin (Score 1) 137

I hear complaints from every field these days about not enough jobs for graduates, even in the medical fields.

Not according to companies. If you listen to them, there isn't anyone who's qualified for their positions which is why they have a worker shortage.

Witness this article which claims employers are whining they can't find enough people to fill these ten positions which include the medical field.

Comment Re:Shill (Score 2, Insightful) 545

if it harms the overall society in the end.

By that logic, stop using your computer. Between the mining of elements used in its construction, the huge amount of water needed to produce the parts, and everything else that goes into making a computer, it's harming society.

Oh wait, it makes you happy using a computer? Well then, carry on, society be damned.

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