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Comment Re:Let me fix that for you... (Score 2) 662

Thank you. I was hoping someone was going to mention this.

It wasn't as if Jeremy hadn't previously been warned and had been put on notice that another serious incident would be the end.

Being a prima donna and ranting and raving is one thing. Punching someone is quite another. While Jeremy may have unconsciously done this to not have to renew his contract, it's not something one wants to be known for.

Comment Wall E takes another step closer (Score -1, Troll) 110

People scoffed at the move Wall E, and the fat people on floaty chairs who needed to be coddled for everything they did because they had grown too lazy to do or think for themselves.

Now with this service, as several on here have already commented, they too can do nothing for themselves, claiming it's more convenient than going outside where that bright shiny thing exists.

You're planning a party and realize you're out of something. Then you're a poor host and shouldn't have the party.

You run out of paper. If you're too stupid to notice you don't have an extra ream lying around, you have bigger problems.

You're a business and a part breaks. That's why you have maintenance contracts.

While not everyone lives in an area where stores are plentiful and readily accessible, the amount of comments which feed the notion that IT folks are fat fucks sitting in their chairs in their parent's basement is truly amazing. Stereotypes exist for a reason, so thank you for contributing in your own way.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 52

Someone slips on a clear liquid, whangs their head on the store shelf on the way down, then has their head impact the nice hard floor. Person dies.

Or, a parent slips on the unseen liquid and falls on their three year old walking next to them, snapping the kids neck and crushing them under the falling weight.

Yes, clean up in aisle two can be potentially life saving.

Comment Re:Price Controls? (Score 2) 279

why do you have a "yard"?

Because they like the feel of grass under their feet rather than concrete? They like to create a cooler micro-climate around their home? Because they have kids who can play on the safety of their own place? They want some distance between them and their neighbors? They like the smell of grass? They can lay out during the summer without having to worry about anyone else?

There are a number of reasons people have a yard. Even more amazing, they can still be green by modifying how they take care of it while still enjoying the benefits.

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"Only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core." -- Hannah Arendt.
