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Comment Re:So...? (Score 1) 240

I sometimes wonder how idiotic ideas like changing the clocks ever find the light of day. Fortunately, we have researchers to provide factual evidence for what a bloody stupid idea that is.

Not that our so-called "leaders" are bothered by minor details like facts.

Comment Polititicans outdoing themselves (Score 1) 220

It's nice to see politicians from other countries trying to set a new standard of idiocy, and making ours in North America look okay by comparison.

This serves no sane purpose whatsoever. Books are good. We *want* people reading more. Yes, even prisoners. What do you want them doing with their time if they're not reading? Nothing better will be done instead.

This is the hair-brained scheme of some morons who got into power and don't have the slightest idea of what they're doing. It will accomplish absolutely nothing useful in dealing with crime.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 3, Insightful) 200


I mean, strictly speaking it's entirely doable. But it's another UI to build, test, and support. That stuff isn't free, and Mozilla doesn't have infinite resources. Considering the general lack of interest in Metro and the fact that the current version works just fine on Windows 8 as a desktop application, they decided it wasn't worth the cost.

It's an entirely sensible thing to do. Metro is hardly setting the world on fire.

Comment Re:Really good question (Score 1) 326

Not knowing the difference between two similar looking words isn't that uncommon. Average people don't have to pay attention to astronomy or astrology on a daily basis, and stuff is going to get forgotten.

It doesn't mean anything except that people got the meaning of the word confused with another word. That happens pretty much everywhere on the planet, and says nothing about Americans.

Comment Re:Outsourcing sucks (Score 1) 176

Contractors also cost a lot more, doubly so when you factor in that you have to keep paying them well past the end of the contract to fix all the screwups.

The government needs enough people that it isn't going to need to increase or decreasing staffing by large amounts regularly, and if it does it can fill those gaps with contractor developers.

Hiring contracting companies to do things is just a recipe for failure.

Comment Re:$700 million - and still insecure!!! (Score 4, Informative) 351

The commercial company that built this website was let go from their contract, and without that contract there will likely be firings.

But yes, feel free to tell us about all the firings from the major corporate breaches that happened in the last year. Because if you think this doesn't happen all the time, you're living in a fantasy world.

Comment Re:Go Team USA! (Score 2) 351

Congress is currently among the most incompetent and ineffective governining bodies on the planet. It's filled with people in safe seats (no particular effort required to win) and corporate shills who are open about it. The place needs a total purging, but that would require voters to do something other than vote for the same party every single time.

And if you expect anything out of voters these days, good luck with that.

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