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Comment Re:Right... (Score 5, Informative) 293

As they say, truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense.

It's true. If you are running 8.1, update 1 is mandatory to keep getting support:

Microsoft said it themselves here:

Originally they only gave 30 days to install it, but then they upped that to 120 because of all the compatibility and installation problems (and the few companies running Windows 8 screaming).

Bizzarely, Windows 8.0 users aren't affected in the same way. This affects 8.1 users only. As usual, Windows 7 users can ignore this ongoing fiasco and keep doing productive work.

Comment Politically correct sexism (Score 5, Insightful) 673

This is so flagrantly sexist that it's absurd. But luckily for Google, it's the politically correct form of sexism. It's been decreed that programming being male dominated is bad, and thus taking sexist action to fix it is okay.

This of course totally ignores that university education as a whole has become majority female, and many professions are becoming majority female that didn't used to be. That by and large we're doing a lousy job of educating boys is not considered a problem, so making that problem worse by trying to exclude them from one of the areas they still do well in is considered okay.

Sure, it's total BS. But it's PC BS, and that's good enough, right?

Comment Gamespy was not competition (Score 1) 145

Gamespy was competition for nobody anymore. On the PC side of things, Steamworks dominates the market so completely at this point that removing Gamespy doesn't do anything. It's not like anybody was using it in current games anyway.

On the console side, the consoles themselves are getting progressively better about offering this stuff to games on their platform. There simply wasn't a lot of reason to use Gamespy for any game development in 2013 or 2014, which is probably why the list of games affected doesn't include a whole lot of even remotely current stuff.

Comment Re:So...? (Score 1) 240

I sometimes wonder how idiotic ideas like changing the clocks ever find the light of day. Fortunately, we have researchers to provide factual evidence for what a bloody stupid idea that is.

Not that our so-called "leaders" are bothered by minor details like facts.

Comment Polititicans outdoing themselves (Score 1) 220

It's nice to see politicians from other countries trying to set a new standard of idiocy, and making ours in North America look okay by comparison.

This serves no sane purpose whatsoever. Books are good. We *want* people reading more. Yes, even prisoners. What do you want them doing with their time if they're not reading? Nothing better will be done instead.

This is the hair-brained scheme of some morons who got into power and don't have the slightest idea of what they're doing. It will accomplish absolutely nothing useful in dealing with crime.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 3, Insightful) 200


I mean, strictly speaking it's entirely doable. But it's another UI to build, test, and support. That stuff isn't free, and Mozilla doesn't have infinite resources. Considering the general lack of interest in Metro and the fact that the current version works just fine on Windows 8 as a desktop application, they decided it wasn't worth the cost.

It's an entirely sensible thing to do. Metro is hardly setting the world on fire.

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