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Comment Re:questions (Score 1) 408

Don't get me started about 4-way stops! In my neighborhood, the city, in its infinite non-wisdom, replaced several intersection's traffic lights with 4-way stops to save money. IMHO, it's a mess! Half the time, it's not clear who was first/next to the intersection, and more than half don't seem to realize you should yield to the vehicle on the right.

Comment Re:So far so good. (Score 1) 211

I'm certainly a better tech than my boss, even though she came thrugh the tech fields and is no PHB. I'm very definitely not a better boss than she is. At best, I might BS my way through the job, hating every minute until I got fed up and quit. More likely, they'd catch onto my incompetence (in that role) and can me before I quit.

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

Exactly this! I like watching Jack Bauer "question" the bad guy as much as anyone, but what it comes down to is, it's not real! Nobody is really getting hurt, not even a criminal/terrorist. A real cop shouldn't do a fraction of the stuff we in the movies, and if they do, there should be heavy RL consequences.

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