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Comment Re:Hmmmm ... (Score 1) 355

"So, basically a bunch of luddites on the payroll of major corporations are trying to ensure those corporations have access to whatever private data they need to discredit the science?"

That's right. So does the smartest man in the world. And the second smartest man in the world and so on.

If it's correct, it gains traction.

If it's wrong, we'll know.

This is how science works. It is the very definition of it.

Secret rules is how churches work not science.

Comment Re:Regulatory Capture (Score 1) 355

Care to put money on this?

I've read all that. It's what you haven't read is the problem.

When your opponent starts off with an adhiminem you know they have no data.

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

As for the great lakes, they froze early, thawed late and had 100 year record levels of ice; some froze completely which is nearly unprecedented and niagara falls froze twice in 2 years.

All signs of a warming world no doubt.

But please drag out the weasel words and explain this. Extra points or quoting "Skeptical science".

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

Look how much it's grown:

It did melt, because it was warmer. It grew back because it was colder, not still warming.

NOAA graph showing cooling not warming:

And another:

Who expects it to grow back all thick? Give it time, now that it's reflecting back sunlight it'll happen.

As this point "Skeptical science" has the credibility of "Natural News".

Not one prediction by the IPCC ever came true.

Comment Re:EPA has exceeded safe limits, needs curbing (Score 1) 355

"What matters is volume, not surface area."

Newsflash: if it's white it reflect back sunlight regardless of the thickness.

It all grew back in a "warming world" with rising Co2 in five years and isn't a mile thick. No shit. It'll thicken, don't you worry about it.

Gore said it would be gone by now. The opposite happened.

Comment Re:Auction off the H1B slots to highest bidder (Score 1) 636

Just make the H1B slot an expiring license (say 5 years). Auction it off at the beginning and allow it to be resold on the open market until it expires. Then you can stop bothering with questions about pay gaps and other nonsense. If there's a $10K per year arbitrage opportunity, the market will quickly sort it out.

We could use the spot price of visas at different maturities as a "yield curve" to see what the predictions are for future technical labor demand and as an indicator for how tight labor demand is right now. Best of all, the visas will be used on rock stars who are actually worth importing rather than being doled out more or less at random.

Comment Re:Any wage? (Score 1) 636

H1B fees and legal expenses are not cheap, nor is paying international relocation expenses for a candidate and his/her family, so we're certainly not saving money by hiring H1B's.

You just described the alternative of paying enough to make your total package competitive as being too expensive. It sounds like you're saving money by that any reasonable definition, even after the government and lawyers take their share. If it wasn't cheaper than raising your pay rates, you wouldn't be doing it.

That being said, I'm willing to grant that a company that hires PhD level people is much more likely to run into a real hard limit when it comes to finding subject matter experts, and they're the types of operations that the H1B system is supposed to work for on paper. If we did the sensible thing and auctioned off H1B slots and allowed them to be resold on an open market, those are probably the types of companies that would buy them.

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
