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Comment Missing option... (Score 4, Insightful) 144

My option is /why/ and not how often so I picked Rarely. I only check it when I expect email that doesn't show up in my Inbox. Happens now and then that I need to reset a password or sign up to a new site that Google mail may not trust or something. If the confirmation email doesn't show up in the inbox in a reasonable amount of time I'll check the Spam folder. Sometimes it's there and I make a rule. Sometimes the site is just slow to email me. Either way, the look at what the spam filter caught is usually amusing.

Comment Re:Perception of law enforcement (Score 1) 377

[...] the rule of law can be enforced arbitrarily, and sometimes in response to the desire to acquire the wealth of an accused person.

Is that anything like setting up waivers for your friends and donors so they can avoid huge, rambling, and crippling laws? I'm pretty sure that happens in the US as well.


Submission + - Facebook hits One Billion users ( 1

ZerXes writes: Facebook has officially reached one billion active users, Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has announced in a official blog post.

'This morning, there are more than one billion people using Facebook actively each month.

If you're reading this: thank you for giving me and my little team the honor of serving you.

Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life.

I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too.'


Submission + - Android has 48 percent U.S. market share in tablets (

An anonymous reader writes: There are signs of change? In the U.S., the various Android Tablet models have achieved a market share of 48 percent. This is triple the market share within the last year. Loser is clearly the product of Cupertino. One reason for the rapid rise of the Android tablet should be mainly the price

Comment Re:Star Trek (Score 1) 46

Let's face it, everything revealed within Star Trek (or most Sci-Fi for that fact) will eventually come to pass not because it's "going" to happen, but through hard work and effort from those who want to see that tech become reality.

It will not come to pass through hard work and effort. It will happen because the government built a road in front of the developer's house.


Submission + - LinkedIn: Password Breach Cost Us As Much As $1m (

twoheadedboy writes: "LinkedIn has confirmed the password theft that rocked the social networking company cost it between $500,000 and $1 million. Steve Sordiello, chief financial officer at LinkedIn, said during a conference call that forensic work and “other elements” meant the company had to spend a significant amount. However, he denied that the breach had a significant material impact. In June, 6.5 million passwords were stolen and published online. Although protected with SHA-1 hashes, there was no salting, meaning the hackers were able to crack some of the login details."

Submission + - Samsung Launches Galaxy Note 10.1 With Impressive Features (

SmartAboutThings writes: "After a long wait, Samsung finally officially announces the Galaxy Note 10.1 inch tablet, the "older" brother for the Galaxy Note smartphone. The tablet comes with a set of impressive features on the software side, such as multitasking, enhanced note taking and photo editing, the Learning Hub and many others"

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