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Comment HTML5, VP8, and WebM (Score 1) 515

Standards are (or should be) created by a consortium... The last time I checked W3C there wasn't much mention of the Flash standard... Though far from a standard yet, it appears that both W3C and WHATWG are indicating that VP8 / WebM have some potential to become part of the HTML5 standard (http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20005466-264.html).

Comment ACTA: a topic at 1st Annual World's Fair Use Day (Score 1) 169

About two weeks ago, Google, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and the Consumer Electronics Association sponsored an event hosted by Public Knowledge: The 1st Annual World's Fair Use Day (WFUD), which kicked off at Google's DC offices with a talk on ACTA. The following day was at the Newseum, also in Washington DC. Details at http://worldsfairuseday.org/

The Year of the E-Bicycle 494

theodp writes "Electric bicycles have been around for more than a century, but they have never quite captured the imagination of auto-obsessed Americans. That may be about to change. At CES this month, Sanyo showed off its sleek, lightweight Eneloop Hybrid Bicycle. Priced at $2,300, the e-bike sports a black lithium-ion battery strapped to the frame beneath the seat. Press a button on the left handlebar, and a 250-watt motor kicks in, providing about twice as much power as your own pedaling. Some basic e-bike models, like the Ezip Trailz can be had for as low as $500. Both Trek and Schwinn began selling e-bikes last year, and Best Buy is offering e-bikes in three test markets: Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland, OR."

Comment Adafruit Industries has some wonderful kits/plans (Score 1) 364

I attended the Microcontroller Monday classes at the local hackerspace, HacDC (http://hacdc.org/) where we worked from plans found on Lady Ada's sites (http://www.ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/ and http://www.adafruit.com/).

The other thing to do is get started with US FIRST Robotics (http://www.usfirst.org/) established by the inventor of the Segway, Dean Kamen to "inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership." according to the web site.

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