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Comment Re:Actually, ADM Rogers doesn't "want" that at all (Score 1) 406

Do you understand that an individualized warrant is required to target, collect, store, analyze, or disseminate the communications content of a US Person anywhere on the globe, and that the current law on the issue is stronger and more restrictive with regard to US Persons than it has ever been?

Whether a warrant is required or not is irrelevant when the agency itself ignores such laws as "inefficient."

It has been proven that they log everything (what used to be called a pen register) and admit to it ("it's only metadata, why should you care?" we are told), and I've previously calculated how much data they'd need to record any person's utterances 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and it came out to something like 5 bucks the last time, assuming that someone talked continuously without sleep or stopping to breathe . It's less now because single 4 terabyte hard disks are available for $132 at Newegg, retail and a top-of-the-line enterprise quality 8TB disk with helium goes for under $750. And these are retail prices.

Don't believe me? 16Kb/s for that amount of time is roughly 64GB (516.7E9 bits no parity). So being generous, say we lose 500GB to formatting a 4TB drive, 3500 Salesman Gigabytes.

3500/64=54.blahblah 1 year partitions.


Less than an Extra Large Dunkin Donuts coffee.

For a year.

But wait there's more.

People don't talk 24 hours a day. They talk on average about 16000 words a day, according to this:


So what amount of time does that mean? It means about an hour-and-a-half of speaking at 3 words/second (which is average). 1/16'th of a day.

So take all of that $2.44, and divide it by 16

15 cents.

That's all it takes to store your utterances for an entire year. Half that if you really don't give a fuck about voice quality.

For the entire nation, which is 319 million, that gives $48 million to record everyone's utterances for an entire year. If you only record what is said on the phone, it's a tiny fraction of that.


This does not include all the other stuff like connection to the networks, but that is all externalized by requiring the phone companies, etc, to take the bulk of that cost on themselves.

And by looking at that huge datacenter in Utah, they are already doing it and doubling-down on the methodology.

They don't give a flying fuck about warrants as we've seen, and it's technically and financially feasible, so they'll do it / are doing it.


Comment Re:Bad Advice (Score 1) 286

All the advice I had been given was that women were turned off by the kind of geeky guy who spent that much time with his computer.

>in facebook
>online acquaintance who knows I'm a geek opens chat and is frustrated with her computer
>she trusts me enough to log in remotely through Teamviewer.

She proceeded to ask me questions, because all she really knew about me was my facebook page. No, I'm not gay, but I have a lot of gay friends thus the gay rights stuff on my page. I'm older than your sister and closer to your age. Yes, I'm single.

>get to seriously talking
>both reach the conclusion "that's not a big deal"
>my plans for a weekend fall through. "Hey, why don't you come down and we hang out in Boston?"
>hit it off immediately.
>skedaddle off to Concord NH.

and we both suffered some horrible emotional scarring in our prior lives apart, but that scarring is what allowed us to appreciate what we have together.

This is why the "you should run away" stuff didn't discourage either of us, and in practice, the baggage is recognized for what it is. "Like old boxers comparing scars."

it's better to be rejected by women for who you are than to be accepted by women for who you are not.

I consider it an idiot filter. It's useful. Plus "keeping up appearances" is far too much work anyway.

It's been over a year with no end in sight, really.

>finding love later in life
>hopelessly in love with each other

All the previous bullshit was worth it in the long run even if a lot of it was unnecessary and stupid.


Comment Re:Nothing new. (Score 2) 248

does it do a complete job? somehow, I have my doubts and that it leaves some stuff behind (like almost all windows 'uninstallers').

It doesn't

Uninstalling Superfish Visual Discovery

Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program
Select Visual Discovery > Uninstall
Superfish will be removed from Program Files and Program Data directories, files in user directory will stay intact for the privacy reason. Registry entry and root certificate will remain as well. The Superfish service will stop working as soon as it is uninstalled via above process, and following reboot.

And then....

This article will be updated with additional instructions on clean up of deactivated files and removal of certificate shortly.

Uh huh. Sure.


Comment Re:The Black Pill (Score 3, Interesting) 231

So, end your days when you are still capable to decide. Opening the door to let someone decide for you because you have lost this capability and you believe today these individuals should be terminated is not the way to do it. You believe you have a right to decide. Yes, of course as long as you are capable to decide. Beside that, no one has the right to kill someone else, be he a doctor (m.d.).

Oh please.

Durable Powers of Attorney for healthcare have been around for ages now, and they are crucial if you don't want to suffer stuffed with medical equipment that will only ensure that your life is as painful as possible for your remaining days or hours.

My SO was the DPoA for her ex. She got a phone call last October and said that Eric was in ICU and told me she was his DPoA. His mental state had changed and he was no longer "there" to make decisions for himself. I could have been a dick and said "he's not your responsibility anymore" especially since there was an alternate. But no, I said "You do what you have to do. Do what's right by Eric."

He had gone in for chemotherapy. But then things started going badly very quickly and the healthcare professionals were putting out fires one after another. Eric had been intubated as an emergency measure because his body couldn't keep his airway open. He was also restrained to keep from semi-consciously reflexively trying to yank out the tubes. He was one of those people that stuff like that scared the shit out of him.

The intubation could have kept Eric alive indefinitely were it not for his entire body failing because of the cancer. Keeping him intubated was just delaying the inevitable.

So my SO helped him end his life by having him disconnected after his ex-wife (the alternate DPoA and still his best friend) flew in from upstate NY. Make no mistake, everyone knew that disconnecting him was killing him by many people's definitions and this required the approval of the nurse on duty, two doctors, and one of the DPoAs. He lived for hours after, so she stayed by his side, read poetry, and sang to him and said goodbye. Eric's greatest fear was that he would die in pain and alone tied to a machine (he didn't have any family here). Because he had someone to make the crucial decisions for him and be there for him, he didn't die that way.

I learned a few things over those days.

I learned that I needed my own DPoA, and I knew I found someone who would do the right thing if I needed it.

Assissted suicide would be similar. It wouldn't just be /one doctor/ alone making the decision for you if you were unable - it would be two doctors, and your DPoA at least. It would simply be an extension of existing DPoA laws.

And btw, your last thing: American insurance companies make the decisions to kill people every day by refusing to cover drugs or drag their feet covering valid treatments. So bringing up the "BIG SCARY CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN THEY HAVE A BUDGET SHORTFALL" is totally disingenuous, intellectually bankrupt, and stupid.


Comment Re:Port it to Qt, please! GTK+ is awful! (Score 1) 134

>weird file dialog

It's not "weird." It's standard GTK+. It's the GTK+ file dialog. If I were to pick a single reason to never use GTK+ it would be the file dialog which represents /everything/ that is wrong with GTK+, especially since absolutely nobody in the GTK+ community wants to fix it. It's been that way for years and years, and people who point out that it sucks get told to fuck off.


Comment Re:Get your own (Score 1) 84

>use an extreme outlier scenario. Evidence being: "I have friends who..."

>represent this situation as "typical" and "this is why the test shouldn't be available.

1. Your friends are violent criminals/psychopaths. They will harm people regardless of this being available. Pick some better friends.

2. Fucking Really?


Comment Re:Get your own (Score 3, Informative) 84

The very next comment after mine starts with "Imagine if you can prick the finger of a hooker in a Pattaya bar while you're drinking". Tell me again that warning people not to share a device like that is unnecessary.

So rather than read, you decide to double-down on the stupid.

Let me explain this loudly and slower so you may understand.


Thrown away, into the trash. With the cap placed back on so nobody gets stuck. They come in boxes of 100 and they are fucking cheap. No sane person re-uses a lancet.

You're exhibiting some weapons-grade stupid there, guy.


Comment Re:Get your own (Score 5, Informative) 84

"Pricking yourself with something that an infected person used is a sure-fire way to get an infection.

It's as if you don't even know how diabetic test strips, and other test strips like this one, work, or even that lancets of all kinds are disposable.

If you RTFA and click through to the Science Daily article, you'd read this:

"During the field testing in Rwanda, health care workers were given 30 minutes of training, which included a user-friendly interface to aid the user through each test, step-by-step pictorial directions, built-in timers to alert the user to next steps, and records of test results for later review. The vast majority of patients (97%) said they would recommend the dongle because of its fast turn-around time, ability to offer results for multiple diseases, and simplicity of procedure."

That is fucking spectacular.

Shut the fuck up.


Comment Slippery slope /argument/? (Score 0) 199

Slippery slope fallacy.

You are here: Logical Fallacies > Fallacies of Presumption > Slippery Slope Fallacy
Slippery Slope Fallacy
Slippery slope arguments falsely assume that one thing must lead to another. They begin by suggesting that if we do one thing then that will lead to another, and before we know it we'll be doing something that we don't want to do. They conclude that we therefore shouldn't do the first thing. The problem with these arguments is that it is possible to do the first thing that they mention without going on to do the other things; restraint is possible.
(1) If you buy a Green Day album, then next you'll be buying Buzzcocks albums, and before you know it you'll be a punk with green hair and everything.
(2) You don't want to become a punk.
(3) You shouldn't buy a Green Day album.
This argument commits the slippery slope fallacy because it is perfectly possible to buy a Green Day album without going on to become a punk; we could buy the album and then stop there. The conclusion therefore hasn't been proven, because the argument's first premise is false.


In order for an argument to be valid, all the links in the chain of argument must work, otherwise it's a bogus argument. The moralist hand-wringing over genetic modification of embryos assumes that we will eventually be making monsters through our vanity. It assumes that there are parents that would willfully create damaged babies for whims. (yes, I know that there are people who go through with pregnancies where they know the baby will have chromosomal problems, but that's not the same as a /manufactured/ genetic problem).

It's difficult enough bringing up a "normal" child.


Comment Re:And the game continues (Score 1) 181

"And the futile game of whack-a-mole continues."

To make the matter even more confusing, Pirate Bayâ(TM)s downtime spurred the development of various spin-offs, all of which have steady userbases of their own. Isohunt.toâ(TM)s is currently the largest, with millions of visitors per day and the number one spot for the search term Pirate Bay in Google.

Something something "Tarkin." and "If you strike me down I will become more powerful..." Star Wars quotes here.


Comment Re:Port it to Qt, please! GTK+ is awful! (Score 3) 134

The portability of the Windows and OSX UI frameworks could properly be called "utter rubbish", because they're not intended to be portable at all.

He wasn't comparing GTK+ to single-platform frameworks. He was comparing GTK+ to Qt. He said that Qt is a far better framework if you want cross platform, and he's right. And Qt is hardly just a "windows or OSX" framework. Qt really wipes the floor with GTK+ for cross-platform /especially/ if you want an application to run on Windows, OSX, Linux, Sailfish, Embedded Windows, Windows RT, Android, and Blackberry, QNX, and VxWorks.


Comment Re:As someone who used to do support for Comcast (Score 1) 262

" It's quite the opposite, we want to fix the problem with a smile on both ends and have a pleasant conversation then move on to the next nice person."

You haven't been the target of Comcast's "customer retention" have you?

I scheduled an install, and further discussion in the day with my SO made me cancel it. She had dealt with Comcast in the past and hates them with a passion. As a result, I had to cancel the installation. Rather than just cancel the installation, they fobbed me off on Customer Retention where the guy just wouldn't let up on making "special offers."

I'm a pretty intelligent guy, last I checked, and I don't like being rude too much, but this was starting to set me off. I told the guy "I know what your job is and it sucks. However, I'm not going to change my mind. Just put me down as "other" for the reason why I'm cancelling the order and move on." Whereupon he sighed and said "yeah, ok."

And you know what? He was just doing his job to script. It's just that the script is just /so/ bad and customer-hostile that it's offensive. I would have rated him a 10/10 for following the rules, but Comcast overall as a big fat 0 for customer service because of how they structured his job.

Lesser people would have lost their nut. My SO would have lost hers.


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