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Comment Re:Why not go whole hog and make pancreatic cells? (Score 1) 35

Simply regrowing the pancreas won't fix things. Replacing the pancreas would just tether them to worse bottles of pills (immunosuppressives) to prevent them from getting trashed again by their immune system.

Unless we figure out some one-shot "stop attacking the pancreas" switch, they'll be on medication of some kind for their entire lives.

Comment Re:You can't make tech safe from malice (Score 2) 704

Autonomous cars: oh, lordy lord lord, what a colossal fuck-up that will be; hubris on a scale undreamed of heretofore. Absolute perfection required of billions of kilos of metal racing around at high speed - and the designers assume bad people won't try to break it - will break it - for revenge or to make a point or just 'cause they are psychopaths.

Malice schmalice. Fucking up driving even more than humans already do would be pretty difficult.

Comment Re:Evil (Score 1) 146

What if this leaves the child diseased or crippled with some kind of birth defect? Or that child's children?

That's what this will prevent.

This isn't "Hey, let's try this for no particular reason". This is a means of (at least hypothetically) preventing heritable mitocondrial disorders, such as Leigh syndrome.

Comment Re:Why do people use online wallets? (Score 1) 695

No, the Gox thing is a separate issue from an online wallet (though online wallets remain a bad idea). With an online wallet, your bitcoin balance actually exists on the chain, only someone else is holding the private key. With Gox, the bitcoins your balance represents don't actually exist. They're just a claim on Gox's overall stock of bitcoins.

There's a reason why people started using the term "Gox bitcoins".

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