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Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 1) 88

Sure, but what about the millions of species which humans don't have a particular interest in eating or hunting? Or should we welcome a world where the only animals are domesticated cows, chickens, etc, with maybe a few special ranches for rhinos and lions. Nobody's going to have a fucking garter snake, orb weaver, or bullfrog farm.

Comment Re: Sure (Score 1) 168

When you say "some misguided regulation", it sounds like you are implying that regulation is generally misguided if it causes the price to go up. True, logically, your sentence only applies to a particular category of regulation that happens to be misguided, and says nothing of regulation that is not misguided. But, if you consider the sentence to still be true without the word "misguided", then this violates the principle of efficiency. Perhaps regulation exists for some other reason than short term prices.

Comment Re:Humans are good at this... (Score 1) 636

In some cases the law may be on their side, but I'm not sure how much solace that offers other than having something to put on your tombstone. "Here lies Joe Biker, he had the right of way."

That's exactly why the law is on the cyclists side. Otherwise the car driver would have no reason to care at all.

Comment Re:Solution approach: God-like bicycles? (Score 2) 636

Bicyclists doing crazy things does not negate car drivers aggressively menacing bicyclists. Generally, the bicyclist doesn't do any harm to drivers with their stunts, while drivers harm cyclists all the time. If someone engages in self-harm, that does not justify others harming them also.

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