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Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

Well, with real property, if you purchased stolen property, you normally have to give it up when it is discovered, whether or not you knew it was stolen. The thief would owe you restitution, but good luck collecting it. I don't see why it would be different in this case. Sure, some bit coins got shuffled around, but if we can easily identify which coins were stolen, we should be able to legally recover them, whether or not the current possessors did the stealing or not.

Comment Re:Socialism or barbarism (Score 1) 389

I suppose this is the natural progression from a capitalist economy, but it isn't ideal. There will always be animosity from the haves toward the have-nots for being forced to pay welfare from what they rightfully "earned", and the have-nots toward the haves for owning the vast majority of shares.

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