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Comment Re:Love it (Score 1) 161

I wonder why they didn't just downscale the resolution and let the video player handle blurring during upscaling.

Also, if it's a regular blur, it's possible to restore quite a bit of detail using deconvolution (

Comment How could you protect against this? (Score 2) 173

You could encrypt all the data in the database, but that would only protect you from somebody able to access the database but not any of the decryption code (somewhat unlikely).

Assuming full access to the database and code, is there any way to protect against being able to link identification with the rest of the personal information.

I can only come up with the obvious client-side encryption, but will the network as a whole still be able to use the data as it's supposed to (in this case; find adult friends)?

Comment Re:I dont get why... (Score 2) 91

Just look at what happened when MySpace got out of fashion.
Some other site(s) takes over and the world just keeps on spinning like nothing happened, because nothing did.

Any developer worth his salt has neatly modularized the social media code, fully expecting their own code to outlast atleast some of the currently popular social media sites.

Comment Re:Is it on the main download page? (Score 1) 216

The thing is; not everybody is experienced.
All of us, including you, has had to download it for the first time in their live at some point.
If I tell a new collegue to install Putty, there's a chance he'll download the wrong version because he won't trust the site he sees. Unless I tell him the correct site, but having to do so pretty much proves the point.

Comment Re:Allowing your mind to close. (Score 1) 361

It's not just the implied associations; popular music lyrics are usually about the life of 20-somethings.
I'm now 38 and still enjoy ~1/5th of regular new pop music, but the rest just seems to be talking about things I simply don't care about any more.
I'm also less likely to follow pop fads. Looking back, I no longer enjoy the pop fads of my own youth either.

It's the same with movies. Who over 30 would watch a Twilight movie? Who would have probably watched it back when they were 20?

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