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Comment Re:mmm 4k content (Score 1) 100

AI analysing video material for concepts/objects/ideas.

How much description would the AI need to produce to get across the intended concept/object/idea?

Google for the very first image of something as simple as a spoon and try describing it in enough detail that is could be recreated in an image that is unlike all the other images of spoons. You'd probably end up with more data than simply sending the image as an uncompressed bitmap.

Comment Re:Inevitable escalation of a broken philosophy (Score 2, Insightful) 609

The US constitution was written in a time where both citizens and government had access to roughly the same level of weaponry.
There were no tanks, bombers or drones, there was no fast communication or transportation of armed forces.

If one were to draft a new constitution in this day and age, you would look a bit silly for arguing a civil militia with handguns and old military surplus equipment could keep a well-armed government in check.

Comment Re:bias? (Score 2) 59

They also reported feeling more energetic and more positive afterwards.

So basically the same effect as taking a dozen XTC pills...

There may have been some guilt from putting off work or studying [...], but the amusement they got [...] more than made up for it.

... with pretty much the same result.

Sounds healthy to me.

Comment Copyright analogy (Score 1) 124

You know how old-media companies always go on about how copying media is somehow "theft", even though we all know it's not?
Well, the problem with digital authentication keys is similar; it can get copied without you losing anything.
Attaching authentication to a physical item that actually CAN get stolen changes the game dramatically.
It's a single point of failure that will give a false sense of security.

Comment Secrecy (Score 5, Insightful) 222

If Russia and/or China would have decrypted messages, they would most certainly not tell the rest of the world.
Similarly, they wouldn't publish it if they managed to locate enemy spies.
If somehow, this DID happen, the US government would most certainly not publish the fact that they knew.

Information is valuable.
Information the enemy thinks you don't have is invaluable.

The fact that this is published tells me it's most likely not true.

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