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Comment Re:IBM (Score 1) 383

"The national average salary somewhere else goes up, though. It's hard to argue against jobs moving from your country to another without claiming that people in your country are somehow better, more deserving of those jobs; otherwise, why is it wrong?"

Because who is doing it and why... that's why it's wrong.

Comment Re:Such harassment (Score 3, Insightful) 362

"I don't think they think the "trifling" transgressions are "just as bad". I've never heard anyone say, or even suggest, that they are "just as bad"."

well you don't know what they think, but you can infer from their actions, and when they lump together rape with an off color joke, then use the combination of two separate and disparate incidents to use as a factor in the proposed statistic, then yes they are statistically equating the two as "just as bad".

maybe you're just not seeing the radical motivations behind what is portrayed as ethical objections?

Comment Re:Subject bait (Score 1) 379

"Are you kidding? What you call "this round of violence" started when Hamas started shooting rockets at Israel, _before_ the kidnappings. I know that Western media does not report this. The bombings are never news until Israel shoots back."

Let me interject from a western point of view.. someone who only knows of your conflict originally from news reports/papers/and general "western media".

I was ALWAYS under the impression that Palestinians were terrorists persecuting Jews with rocket attacks and suicide bombings for returning to basically what is the Jewish homeland.

Any Israelis attack on Palestine was a return of aggression.

what i've come to see after looking into the conflict on my own and doing my own investigation is that it seems to me Israel was given Palestinian land, US support, and outguns Palestine 100:1, they fight against israel the only way they can and yet all i hear about is how evil they are and how righteous israel only defends themselves.

i've realized that marketing is always to hide a deficit and now see the conflict reporting in western media as such the same as i see your post (never have i heard western media decry anything isaelis do).

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 579

Off-topic Sidenote: I was nearly turned into roadkill yesterday while out for a run in my neighborhood. There's no sidewalk so I run facing oncoming traffic as far to the side as possible. The jackass driver was playing with his cellphone, and drifting toward the side of the road, right at me, and didn't swerve until the last second. I was within a second of making a dive for the side of the road."

as you are breaking a few laws yourself i strain to find the exclusive right to be angry at the driver....

Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

I was born and raised in california and lived here all my life, i have NEVER had any "traffic engineer" come tell me what the walk/don't walk/blinking/countdown etc means... let alone update me when "they" decide to change such things...

i guess ive lived this long by common intuition, is there supposed to be somewhere people "know" to get all this helpful info? Please don't say local traffic engineer.

Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

"As for the summary (and I presume the FA it was quoted from), cars can't use the number to tell when the light is going red."

I know i have X seconds before i can assume it will go yellow or red, so i speed up accordingly if i can make the intersection with time to spare.

I don't see how it causes more accidents for me to do this as if the number is too low i slow down, enuf time i can speed up a couple of mph and make the crossing.. no one is crossing the intersection im going through...

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