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Comment Re:If they are SO REALLY CONCERN about religion .. (Score 1) 674

"You might think that is a stretch. I'm only championing neutrality here. True neutral defaults to only that which we can work with in a tangible sense. When you employ that in your reasoning process, I think many things become self evident in nature.

Filthy Neutrals... you never know where they stand!

Comment soon? (Score 1) 54

" even if we don't understand it, we can mimic it.""

then comes understanding it, then comes manipulating it, then comes controlling it.

who needs subliminal advertising when you can control it directly....(fry's dream of lightspeed briefs come to mind) since the brain is electrochemical, figuring out how to do this remotely shouldn't be an issue, or following this to it's natural conclusion maybe those tinfoil hats do work and we're all being zapped with the incredulous beam when considering the cries of those who "know better".

Comment when i worked at yahoo (Score 1) 292

this was the case with all of yahoo's "products", in my group we used what worked for us in the ways we needed them to work.. much to the chagrin of those who cheer-lead the hardest, this was nowhere better felt than their internal push to get all employees to use yahoo search instead of google.

eating one's own dog food is one thing, but to limit employee productivity when those employees have no direct influence in making the food better? all it did was waste cycles and goodwill by trying to force people who didnt want to use yahoo services to use them anyway, which wasn't (imho) so much about improving them as driving up the stats of per clicks for marketing and ad revenue (more than once i overheard talk along the lines of "if everyone at this location used yahoo search instead it would bump us up by 10k users daily!!!).

-former yahoo IT dood

Comment Re:terrorism! ha! (Score 1) 453

" you've now put in place a system for generating super-resistant bacteria."

wanted to add:

I was talking along the lines of cross contamination and forgot to include feeding that meat to other animals, who also get antibiotics (e.g. how mad cow disease got spread).

Comment Re:terrorism! ha! (Score 1) 453

isn't it common sense?

antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria, the only ones that grow are the resistant ones.. those resistant ones multiply and live on.

then the same antibiotics are used against the descendants and inhibit their growth as well but now in those descendants the ones who have superior resistance divide faster than the ones who have inferior resistance, since bacteria generations on average are about every 4 hours (1 divides into 2, 2 into 4/etc).. after a year of this you have a 2000th generation bacteria strain who is all but completely resistant to antibiotics. This is common sense and commonly known to any high school student learns about micro organisms (science/biology).

since antibiotics only help an organism's own defense system by slowing growth so it's immune system overwhelms the bacteria and not vice versa (which usually leads to death) it's not that big of a deal when used in people whose immune systems will completely wipe out the strain of bacteria being subjected to the antibiotics.. BUT when used on animals and then those animals are killed and used for meat, before their immune systems eradicate the bacteria, you've now put in place a system for generating super-resistant bacteria.

this also makes it obvious that you are purposely being obtuse about something that will affect millions if nothing is done.

Comment how about this? (Score 1) 206

make it possible to plug your "microsoft" keyboard and mouse into the xbox and allow people to play with those. you already have basic usb support on these boxes and with most games having PC ports the controls would be a snap to import.

if they did this i would gladly play games on the xbox (as one of my thumbs doesn't bend at the knuckle it makes controller games practically unplayable, or at the least hurt very bad) especially FPS games..

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 1) 151

"But now Microsoft employees have one thing Google employees don't: strong wrists."

Bunch of highly smart, socially awkward, workoholics? I strongly doubt their wrists are anything but well toned. At least they got out of the basement.

Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Second Life Sued For Stolen Virtual Property

Petey_Alchemist writes: "The press loves Second Life, the MMORPG with a twist. For years, Linden Labs — the founders and administrators of Second Life — averred that yes, you do own your land, and yes, you do own your intellectual property (animations, scripts, etc.) However, the terms also reserve the right for Linden Labs to ban you and reabsorb your assets on a whim.

This contradiction, as might be expected, has been the source of much in-world drama over the last few years. But now, Pennsylvania lawyer Mark Bragg is taking Linden Labs to court. Bragg alleges that the company committed a crime when, after he used an exploit to underbid on a land auction, Linden Labs not only invalidated his purchase, but also refused to refund the money. When he complained, they banned him, resold his land, took the $2000 U.S. worth of Linden Dollars he had in his account, and then continued to charge him property tax for the land he could no longer access.

Second Life Insider (which, editorially, takes an anti-Bragg stance) has the first story on actual filing, and includes a link to the full text of the complaint."
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - World of Warcraft ToU forbids US Military overseas

An anonymous reader writes: A new section of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use forbids US Military members stationed overseas from playing the game, according to a post of the World of Warcraft forums.
You may only access the Service from within the territorial boundaries of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Singapore. Any access to your Account, whether by you or anyone else, from any location outside those countries is a breach of this Agreement.

This section of the ToU does not appear on the World of Warcraft website, but does appear at C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS\tos.html Therefore, even if you legally reside in the United States, you may be banned if you access the World of Warcraft servers from the country you're stationed in. Has Blizzard jumped on the anti-war bandwagon?

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