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Comment Re:To GMO or not to GMO? (Score 1) 82

GMO is not even a hypothetical problem if you're not eating it.

The Amish are thriving. Protected by the military and technological strengths and by the freedoms of the United States, their industriousness, relative lack of modern perversions, and high birth rate expands their population and wealth. There are lessons to be learned here, and the country could benefit greatly by learning them.

Comment Re:technophobe? moi? (Score 1) 158

Presumably, the ultimate goal of visual entertainment is to provide a scene indistinguishable from reality. Without moving his head, a person with perfect vision can resolve pixels roughly 1/7000th of his horizontal field of vision and 1/4000th of the vertical. So, as long as you don't need to see behind you, 7000x4000 is close to perfection. The current 4000x2160 is a step toward that goal appropriate to currently practical technology.

Comment Re:Exact mathematical value isn't the ideal (Score 2) 239

The problem is with sin( near pi ). Range reduction subtracts pi, and the value of pi doesn't have enough bits in the Intel fsin instruction. In gaming, nothing is going to rotate pi radians between updates, so this deficiency won't show up in gaming applications where incremental rotates are used.

Comment Re:Systemd uses (Score 1) 303

For example, automatic update screws up a config file necessary for the GUI to work, and screws it up so badly that the system crashes. systemd starts part of the graphical services before login (at least that's my impression, I could be wrong.) This was never a problem with sysvinit.

With sysvinit, it's easy to start at runlevel 3 always, then type startx to get the GUI.

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