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Comment Re:Oh, Frack (Score 3, Insightful) 115

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

That said, there is a statistical incidence that wants to correlate heavy fracking with earthquakes. Whether the New Madrid is just unstable, or becoming unstabilized with mounting fracking is unknown. The statistical correlation between seismic movements and fracking remains, however.

So turn on the tap, and light your cigar.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 3, Interesting) 243

Yeah. Thanks. It's a simple question. So far, I've seen scripting suggestions, which might be useful. I'm a nerd, but not wanting to do much code because I'm really rusty at it. Instead, I'm amazed that no one runs into this problem and has built an app that does this. That's all I'm looking for: consolidation.

Submission + - Does anyone make an photo de-duplicator for Linux? Something that reads EXIF? 2

postbigbang writes: Imagine having thousands of images on disparate machines. many are dupes, even among the disparate machines. It's impossible to delete all the dupes manually and create a singular, accurate photo image base? Is there an app out there that can scan a file system, perhaps a target sub-folder system, and suck in the images-- WITHOUT creating duplicates? Perhaps by reading EXIF info or hashes? I have eleven file systems saved, and the task of eliminating dupes seems impossible.

Comment Re:Not only in the US... (Score 1) 168

But both require funding. Patents for protection. New pharma for profits before the patents can expire. Patent portfolio trading and litigation. Oppress the innovators, for they don't make us any revenue.

Lead the lemmings to the cliffs. Make them buy or die. Threaten new products with massive litigation costs so that investors will shy away. Bribe the legislatures to protect the monopolies. Buy out any interesting startups so that no one can take their place and use their intellectual property as threats to others that might try.

Keep the government out. They have no place here. It should all be in the hands of private business to manipulate at will. Keep the masses fighting about social issues so that these will eclipse what's going on behind the curtain of the Oz built from the fruits of the yellow bricks.

This isn't about future generations; this is about wealth protection for the current generations so that their children can survive the coming dark years before the end times.

Sorry, I was channeling Palin again.

Comment Re:no way the biggest hosts (Score 3, Insightful) 76

Of course they make money. Plain and simple: never credit consipacy where sloth was the problem.

Yeah, they gain by being sloppy. But there's not a single law enforcement entity that gives a flying fleep, either. Do you see the FBI jumping in to save the day? Har. CIA? I'm ROFL. Justice Dept? ho ho ho. FTC? Huh?

But you didn't tell me: how do you know what's malware and not, so that a judge doesn't throw out a warrant or an order? And you didn't tell me: what kind of secondary auth is going to be acceptable? And you didn't tell me how they're going to police it-- parse incoming streams? Audit what are supposed to be private sites? With what? Updated with what?

Grow up.

Comment Re:no way the biggest hosts (Score 1) 76

Never credit conspiracy when stupidity will do.

You can get in and out of a lot of providers with a credit card or less. No one wants to be the first to use a secondary auth to protect integrity. Worse: providers like Tumblr use Amazon storage as back-fill and more. So does Amazon police Tumblr?

I believe your accusations against GoDaddy might be libel or worse; they're not actively seeking to do what you accuse them of, but they're not inhiibiting it, either. IANAL, but you might consider that they might be immoral, rotten citizens, and loose-with-rules, but then, so is the NSA.

Some of my friends believe that Windows is malware..... that aside, I want to know much much more about how that number was achieved, not that I don't believe it, rather, calling something malware is nebulous.

Comment Re:Test scores (Score 1) 715

While you were doing #1, 2, and 3, children, who learn at vastly different rates, weren't getting the job done. The job is to learn, and be exposed to ideas, to memorize a lot of stuff.

The charter schools are horrible ideas because it allows the public system to erode further by sucking energy, mindshare, community, and especially funds away.

Is it a good idea to have specialized schools? Sure! But charter schools don't serve this purpose. Instead, they allow pseudo-self identification for parents, and also harken back to the days of segregation.

Certainly safety is important, but many of the public schools I've seen are more 7-4pm babysitters. Parents, trying to hold it together working two jobs (esp single moms) can't give their children the time that they need with parents to overcome obstacles. Obstacles get big, and you open the opportunities for gang activities, lack of community involvement, and the ability to excel.

Comment Re:Wouldn't someone think of the children? (Score 1) 294

Is it an accident that microwave oven frequencies are really close to WiFi? No. Yet older color televisions also emitted Xrays. And lots of basements emit radon. Older watch dials glowed nice and radioactively.

Let's consider the facts:

A microwave oven has over 500w, often much more. WiFi? Limited to a skinny watt, often less.

Older color TVs emitted xrays-- out the back and bottom. Unless you put it in your lap for weeks at a time, not much exposure.

Basements in some areas do have a lot of radon. Oops, this one's real and needs to be dealt with through the use of radon detectors and remediation.

Finally, those old watch dials that glowed in the dark indeed had mild radioactivity.... about as much as ten minutes in the sun.

Conspiracy junkies? Paranoia is rampant, and often foolish.... although once in a while it's rewarded.

Comment Re:Wouldn't someone think of the children? (Score 3, Insightful) 294

Mercury in vaccines causes autism.

WiFi boils the brain and causes cancer.

Obama is the Anti-Christ.

You will never stop stupid people because stupid can't be fixed. Once that one realizes that correlation != causation, you have a chance. Until then, you can only introduce the facts and hope for the best. It's tough to stanch meme propagation when the propagators are teary-eyed mothers with dead children. But it has to be done.

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