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Comment "The Internet is full of deranged people, ..." (Score 1) 993

And this individual is obviously one of the worst! I was not familiar with the name before this, but am familiar with the projects he has worked on. Linus may have his temper, but he has good intentions, and is usually right when he does yell at someone! Poettering just rants. I don't advocate physical violence against anyone for any reason, even him. I have NEVER heard of physical threats against ANYONE in the Free software/Open source community until now. If he has been threatened, he brought this upon himself.

"I have no intentions to ever talk about this again on a public forum." Thank goodness for this!!! ;^)

If he feels this stongly against Linux, and the Open Source community, then perhaps he should leave Red Hat and move to Redmond Washington. He might be happier working for a certain company located there! ;^) I am glad I don't work for Red Hat, and don't have to deal with him, or listen to his rants on a daily basis, as I expect some have to endure.

Submission + - Remote exploit vulnerability found in bash (

kdryer39 writes: A remotely exploitable vulnerability has been discovered by Stephane Chazelas in bash on Linux and it is unpleasant. The vulnerability has the CVE identifier CVE-2014-6271. This affects Debian as well as other Linux distributions.

The major attack vectors that have been identified in this case are HTTP requests and CGI scripts. Another attack surface is OpenSSH through the use of AcceptEnv variables. As well through TERM and SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND. An environmental variable with an arbitrary name can carry a nefarious function which can enable network exploitation.

Submission + - Irish Girls Win Google Science Fair With Astonishing Crop Yield Breakthrough ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Irish teenagers Ciara Judge, Émer Hickey and Sophie Healy-Thow, all 16, have won the Google Science Fair 2014. Their project, Combating the Global Food Crisis, aims to provide a solution to low crop yields by pairing a nitrogen-fixing bacteria that naturally occurs in the soil with cereal crops it does not normally associate with, such as barley and oats. The results were incredible: the girls found their test crops germinated in half the time and had a drymass yield up to 74 percent greater than usual.

Submission + - Seattle Passes Laws to Keep Residents From Wasting Food 2

schwit1 writes: The new rules would allow garbage collectors to inspect trash cans and ticket offending parties if food and compostable material makes up 10 percent or more of the trash.

The fines will begin at $1 for residents and $50 for businesses and apartment buildings, according to the Seattle Times.

Comment Not the first time! (Score 2) 277

I long for the good ole days when they actually send out paper invoices in envelopes! ;^)

And from the archives:

"In December 1999, Microsoft forgot to renew the domain name,
and so rendered its Hotmail service partially crippled. A Linux
programmer, Michael Chaney, paid the $35 fee and promptly handed over
ownership to Microsoft."

It happened again in 2003:

Will they ever learn? ;^)

Comment The Linux Kernel... (Score 1) 340

was invented in Helsinki Finland, by an unknown Geek at the University (At that time!). Should we chastise him for moving to Portland Oregon???

Linux, all the computer languages, and tons of other software is currently being developed by individuals and organizations all over the World! Who cares where???

What happened in 1776 was an important event to all countries, especially those countries owned and controlled by the "British Empire" at that time. That one event led to a lot more revolutions, and constitutions based on what happened then.

Comment Ubuntu only AFTER Debian! (Score 1) 641

It was recently announced that Ubuntu would adopt systemd in future versions as well.

Yes, but only AFTER Debian, the Distro that Ubuntu, (and many other Distros) are based on, made the decision to switch to systemd. Now if Ubuntu would just go along with Wayland, ...

Linus has the final say in the Kernel, and I have to agree with his decision. He has an excellent track record! ;^)

Comment News Analysts = corporate sockpuppets (Score 1) 80

Don't blame Tim for the ignorance of so-called, "News Analysts". Tim created a useful tool to advance the use of the Internet. It is far more useful than USENET that we were using when we first received messages to the effect of "Hey, come look at this new thing called WWW!" My first browser was Lynx when I only had a UNIX shell account while teaching at NYU.

DRM has NO PLACE in ANY standard for the Internet. I don't understand why Tim supports this. We obviously don't have all the facts. I agree with him that a Magna Carta for the Internet would be be appropriate. It would allow us to eliminate DRM.

In the words of Robert Burns, Tim is a "Man of independant mind"!

Submission + - Astronomy Group Throws Tantrum Over Crater Names

RocketAcademy writes: The International Astronomical Union has thrown a tantrum over a plan to crowdsource names for craters on Mars.

The IAU gives official scientific names to craters, but it has only bothered with craters that have "scientific significance." The science-funding platform Uwingu has launched a campaign to come up with popular names for the remaining craters. For as little as $5, a member of the public can name one of the craters on Uwingu's map, with the proceeds going to fund space science and education.

This caused the IAU to issue a statement condemning such crowdsourcing efforts. The IAU pointed out that it did allow the public to vote on names for two of Pluto's moons, in the past. In that case, however, the IAU rejected the winning name (Vulcan).

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