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Comment 500GB minimum for SSD... (Score 1) 353

... the problem with buying a small SSD is that you'll just want to upgrade anyway later. So you should just take the plunge and get a reasonably sized SSD so that you can run common intensive apps off the SSD. Traditional HD's are just for storage/movies/big stuff. Most people only use a few common programs at a time so having enough space on an SSD for things you use frequently is a must. It just makes your life that much easier and you won't have to upgrade until many years later when program sizes or some new tech forces the issue.

Comment More bullshit.. (Score 1) 212

... the reality is most games today are clones or don't have enough development money/time behind them to be particularly interesting or deep. 9/10 games released today are crap or released way before they are even ready (battlefield 4, etc) and these are supposed to be major fucking releases. The whole game industry is run by incompetents, conmen and morons.

The reality is developers/publishers themselves are flooding the market with low quality games and putting all sorts of shit in their games that lower their value (DRM/Microtransactions/etc). There will always be a place for good games, the problem is there are still many problems to solve in development costs and tools to drive down game costs and make building large AAA projects better. The game industry has a long way to go.

Comment Re:shareholders voted with Cook. Law says ... (Score 2) 348

"so in other words, some owners have more say than others, depending on their view... got it....."

One view is based on science and facts, the other is not. Right wingers are known to reject science and the laws of nature in general as a majority of their base believes in superstitious nonsense. The more sensible and intelligent corporate types know they can't survive on fairy tales and want evidence and science.

Comment Planet is filled with tech illiterate... (Score 1) 148

... morons.

Nowhere can this clearly be seen more than in the videogame industry, with the rise of STEAM DRM and the gullible people who lap it all up while gaming history (games you can own, modify, and not be spied on, watched, datamined) is going down in flames. Console players are among the most stupid on the planet, so videogame consoles would be an easy in for any government wanting to spy on its citizens.

The planet is just filled with stupid illiterate fucks who breed and pay for this shit because they don't have the brain cells to rub together to understand the implications sadly. They'll fork over any amount of money to feed their game addiction sadly all while being gouged, fleeced, DRM'd and DLC'd up and down six ways to sunday.

Comment Re:Rewarding the developer. (Score 1) 144

"I've played games like "Path of Exile" where I've enjoyed the game so much, I decided to drop $20 or so on in-app purchases,"

Stop rewarding DRM'd games you never own. Jesus. The game can up and die at any moment it stops being profitable for the developers. If less then 1.5% of the people who play path of exile pay anything what happens when the next big game comes out?

Comment It's simple really... (Score 4, Insightful) 794

... no one, even well educated people, have the time to sift through all the bullshit. Many well meaning people confuse terms marketers came up with to purposefully obfuscate the product with "healthy food". If you don't keep up on that stuff (which most people dont), it would be trivial to be mislead by healthy sounding words through relentless advertising and association.

When you name yourself something like "Whole foods" you give yourself a different aura, you project "healthy food" not pseudo-science. Not to mention we've had vitamin/mineral half pseudo-science for a while that kind of gave hucksters an in to sneak their bullshit in under "healthy foods". The science for a lot of stuff is difficult/vague and takes a long time to do studies and companies can't wait to exploit the health conscious aspects of peoples brains by confusing them with marketing speak and over promoting the benefits of marginal "health aiding" products.

Comment Nintendo's been that way... (Score 1) 129

... since the N64 era. The won the lottery with the Wii but the Wii was a one shot deal selling to non-gamers and the Wii U proved that by it's hard failing. Nintendo since the N64 era has been making stupid decisions regarding it's hardware which allowed other companies to come in and take their market share.

Comment Too much information.. (Score 1) 208

... to learn. Looking back on my own life as a kid, I was fascinated with technology and not much else could come in the way of that. Kids develop their own interests and it's really against the laws of nature for every person to be interested in the same things and the same values. Each kid builds their own reality from a combination of genetics and environment, it's largely out of your control.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. People, like horses, will only do what they have a mind to do. It's the same reason you can't get everyone interesting in politics.

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