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Comment Easiest "Fix" (Score 5, Insightful) 448

Bring it all back home. For all the hullabaloo about letting technology getting into "enemy hands", including export restrictions, the "let's just leave a bunch of military hardware in the Middle East" scenario was apparently never considered a risk.

Of course, it's too late now for the Mosul equipment, but the same thing could happen anywhere else in Iraq or Afghanistan.

It's almost as if the belligerent, short-sighted idiots are still in charge.

Comment Re:A list of semantically equivalent image URIs (Score 1) 161

Images themselves have no semantic value, only the elements that points to them... furthermore, the dimensions of the image are semantically irrelevant. This is a lame, flawed attempt to solve a visual layout problem with misplaced semantics. You wouldn't invent a redundant element for audio files based on varying bitrate because audio similarly has no semantic value and the media type is inherently non-visual.

Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 161

I run AdBlock like most /.ers, but it doesn't get the chance to do much because I have ~132,000 hostnames mapped to in my hosts file specifically for this reason (in Linux and Win2k anyway... Vista/7/8 can only handle about 3000). Anyone who watches me surf is amazed at how the Internet looks without ads.

Comment Re:Unnecessary (Score 1) 161

Actually, it's unnecessary because everything picture does could have been added to img instead. There's no semantic difference between the two, so why add a new one? Extending img would have been more backwards compatible as well (one of WHATWG's stated goals, despite doing lots of stupid crap like this).

Comment Two possible problems (Score 1) 202

I see two possible flaws in this theory.

First, if the attached rods are wood, wouldn't there be a limit to how much the block could weigh before crushing the rods?

If the resulting dodecagon utilizes the block's original four edges among its vertices, wouldn't they suffer some damage while being rolled? If those edges are capped in some way to protect them, we inevitably return to #1 regarding the edge caps.

Comment UX can only go so far (Score 2) 199

Just as there is no such thing as absolute security, there is no such thing as a 100% intuitive and self-documenting UX.

No matter how simple or complex software is, there is a limit to how much "help" the UX can offer. The UX should have enough hints/labels/tooltips/etc to keep the user from getting lost performing light to medium tasks, but inline is not the place for describing complex workflows, data structures, APIs, or other heavy topics.

Documentation is the ultimate resource for the users, most documenting elements in the UX should be considered a convenience. The phrase "RTFM" exists for a reason, there is no "RTFUX".

It also sounds like you're handling your docs wrong... they should evolve with the codebase and not need a complete rewrite for every release.

Comment So when will... (Score 1) 13

I be able to use Android Studio to develop for Gingerbread instead of it throwing 72+ errors about the Holo theme not existing (because themes were only added in Honeycomb)? I've already changed all the instances of defaultTheme to none in the config files according to StackOverflow, but that didn't help.

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