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Comment Re: 35 GB of uncompressed audio? (Score 1) 377

>>(35GB of uncompressed audio)
> It was so that lower spec PCs can run it.
OMG have you thought your answer through? that would be effective only for a PC which is powerful enough to manage the graphics and engine and does not spare the cycles for audio.

Given that a 166mhz pc from twenty years ago effortlessly decoded mp3s in realtime, that in the meantime people have improved decoders, encoders, formats that audio playing is parallelizable, that uncompressed audio requires uncompressed IO, I think "aliens wanted that" is a better explanation. The best of course being that a 45gb game is less piratable than a 10gb one.

Except the pirates will compress the audio for quicker downloads.

Comment Re:downforeveryoneorjustme jRe:Quick change needed (Score 1) 349

Wish I had mod points, I'd moderate you "informative".

You would if you made more interesting remarks than this.

Wish I had mod points, I'd moderate you "insightful".

I wish I had mod points, I'd moderate you "Underrated". Your comment has a je ne sais quoi.

I do have mod points and I would of modded you Funny, but I posted instead!

Comment Re:Linux sales figures (Score 1) 132

There's one issue with Linux game sales that I hope these publishers keep in mind. There are a lot of games that they're porting to Linux, where I already bought a copy of the game for Windows. If there had been a Linux version at the time, I would have bought that instead.

So I hope they don't get the wrong idea when I don't buy certain games. If in the future I know a game I want will be released on Linux within a reasonable time, I'll hold out.

This is the engine they are currently using for upcoming/current games, not the old one they used for the older games. What it should mean is that they would have linux version of the games when they have windows (and the various consoles).

But I agree with you about porting older games.

Comment Re:I've heard that government moves slowly... (Score 3, Insightful) 299

It's not the government. These people have access to all the modern conveniences via their jobs. They have chosen not to learn anything about them which would be O.K. if it wasn't critical to their job performance.

Maybe it's time to have education requirements for senators, congresspeeps, Ambassadors and anyone who has to deal with laws or other countries. They would be required to keep up with what is going on in the world, tech, social and whatever. Anything less is just hurting us in this day & age, seeing as the world (tech wise, and whatever) moves faster then it did back when.

Oh ya, drug test those peeps also so they can see what it's like for us.

Comment Re:What impresses & baffles me (Score 1) 390

That's not true at all.
The dollar has value. It has government backing, it has protection for consumers, it is globally recognized, and pretty stable.
That is more valuable then gold.

That is more valuable then gold? No it's not.

When the US Government collapses, what is the value of the dollar then? Ya, nothing.

Gold's value doesn't drop when governments do.

Comment Re:How do you disable audio ads on /. (Score 1) 390

Some people like to contribute something to a site they visit frequently. For some, it is giving ad views. I had AdBlock disabled for this site for quite a while, however, I turned it back on when I first saw the beta.

If you don't click on those ads, having AdBlock disabled doesn't do shit to help the site.

Comment Re:Am I the only one *not* worried/panicking... (Score 2) 221

about my death?

As long as I can remember (that includes Captain Kangaroo and the Watergate Hearings), I've known I'm going to die, and it's never worried me that much.

No, I don't want to die, but it's gonna happen whether I want it to or not, so no use getting my tits in a twist about something I can't prevent.

I have never been worried about dying. Honestly, I thought most people were mostly scared to die because of religious reasons.

While I'm not suicidal, I am looking forward to seeing what happens after I die.

I'm guessing either nothing happens, and I don't exist anymore, that I wake up hooked up to some simulation, or reincarnation (which doesn't mean I'm not in a simulation, I could be in a simulation that starts you over in another life.)

Either way, I have no control over it and it's going to happen, so I'm cool with it.

Comment Re:It's not free (Score 1) 212

Hawken & Path of Exile are pretty damn good too.

Marvel Heroes is very fun to play, and a better Diablo II/III clone then Diablo III and Path to Exile.

Free to play, and you can get everything in the game as drops, 'cept for storage space. And I don't mind buying more storage space, the game is fun.

Comment Re:Can you play (Score 1) 45

Can you play Pete Wisemans Klondike on it?

Say did you know that Jonathan Potter and Greg Perry are still developing Directory OPus (for windows, now up to version 11.
It started off as Shareware for the Amiga (V2 was on Fish Disk 212)

Because of DOpus on the Amiga, I own a copy of it on my windows. Very much used piece of software. In fact, probably the only piece of software I've used for over 20 years on various machines (and of course, various versions).

Comment Re:My doubts about VR (Score 1) 49

Maybe it is a problem that screen resolution and headmounted cameras can fix, but every time I get excited about VR, I think about how often I get to look at my computer screen TO THE EXCLUSION of the real world (never).

A full face headset is a 15 minute toy at best for me, because life is not generally set up for total immersion except in very rare situations.

I have a hard enough time finding a chance to play games without a pause button, I can't imagine how little time I would play one that requires you to don and remove a facemask in-between distractions.

I mean there are lonely otaku that could live in this thing, but the vast majority of people *even geeks* actually have to log into the real world more often than you'd think.

I know I know, games aren't geared toward old dudes with disposable income and kids and wives... but really, VR seems to have a deceptively small use-case

Ya, and cars when first made were slower then horses, guess they will never catch on, right?

Comment Re:So what? (Score 2) 487

I don't think it is the quality of the apps that drives people not to purchase the Android version - I think it is the nature of the buyer. Most of these Android tablets are low-end... people saving perhaps $50. Cost conscious people are not going to be the best customers for an app store. Yes, I know there are high-end Android devices. I'd wager that people who buy those end up making just as many app purchases as iPad buyers. I'd also wager that the number of high-end Android devices sold is not a terribly significant part of the market, yet probably accounts for all of the profit.

I recently bought myself my first tablet. Cheap, $150 10.1" screen, 1200x800 resolution. Works great. I didn't buy it for gaming, though I do some gaming on it, I didn't buy it for watching videos, though I probably will sometimes. I bought it for viewing comic books. Which is does very decently.

Will I buy apps? A few, I plan on purchasing, like ComicRack, and maybe an emulator or 2.

This will hold me over till they start making 12"+ tablets with higher resolutions. (yes, I know you can get 1080p tablets at 9" but seriously, I want more screen, not higher resolution in a smaller space.)

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
