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Comment Re:Well, no more Maple Syrup (Score 1) 363

How could you not know that deciduous trees drop their leaves and hibernate during the winter? Being further North gives more sunlight for the trees during the summer when the trees have leaves. The only problem for the tree would be if the winter exceed its lower temperature limit.

Comment Re:Seriously? Look at SiliconDust (Score 1) 564

You have to buy a box? I use old parts to build Myth setups. You can get by with a 1 TB hard drive, and you don't need much processing power. The main reason to build a Myth box is for the automatic commercial skipping. Once it is built and setup it should run until the hard drive gives out.

Comment Re:This happens to dumb cars as well... (Score 1) 102

Toyota, I think the Camry was the worst had only a small number of different key cuts. If you owned all the keys you could get into and drive any car ( pre-chipped keys). I used to save keys from ever car we owned so if we got a free car with missing keys we might already have the right one.

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