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Comment Re:This could be really good for Debian (Score 1) 555

Tell that to my girlfriend. She can do most maintenance on her workstation, but she had to have me look at boot deadlocks about twice a month, all because /etc/init.d/rpcbind and /etc/init.d/networking were in a race, and the NFS mounts lost.

Linux NFS needs help. We all know it. The solution is not to hide the problems with another daemon.

SysV rc is not 'perfectly functional' by a long shot. Both at home and at work I keep running into limitations that systemd solves.

Let's hear about them. Still haven't heard about any, just seen hand-waving.

Systemd comes with other bugs, and I've been hit with one or two of them, but they were, for me, easier to solve than SysV rc race conditions and deadlocks.

you mean failures of the linux NFS daemons.

If you're depending on NFS to boot, then you're a sucker. Because NFS hasn't got the love it needs, especially on Linux.

Comment I dislike ESR more every day (Score 0) 245

Anyone remember when ESR was known mostly for providing us with esoteric knowledge? Now he's known for spouting, and making bad decisions. This is one of them. Git is shit for the casual user. It might be the greatest thing since sliced bread for the hardcore developer who does massive merges, but for everyone else it makes life worse and not better. You can't resume a fetch, and you can't fetch a subdirectory. That means for example that I literally cannot work on Android-x86, because my rinky-dink internet connection cannot handle fetching the git repo. Or if it can, I never found the magical collection of switches that would do it. And I shouldn't have to hunt. There should be one command which fetches the current version, and none of the history, and there should be another command which fetches the history, and then there should be a command which does both. And all of them should have clear and obvious names, and there should be examples for each in the EXAMPLES section of the man page. Anything less is defective versioning software.

Git is shit, and anyone who says different is selling something. In this case, Linus is selling himself the lie that he didn't fuck up when creating git's UI, and ESR is reselling it... also to himself. If your tool needs massive documentation, then your UI is shitcakes.

The fact that git is shit wouldn't be such a problem if projects would still publish tarballs, but most of them aren't doing that any more, because they're relying on git to provide that functionality.

Comment So Sad (Score 1) 175

Santa Cruz was one of the earlier cities on the internet, thanks to UCSC. Today, access is ass. And they have one of the highest costs of living in the nation. It's often been one of the most-connected cities in the USA, for example it was part of Cricket territory. But today it's ass.

Too bad they couldn't give a rat's ass while I still lived there. The local ISPs are mostly awful. Even the ones that don't suck are slow, slow, slow.

Comment Re:Japan += Gun; //NULL (Score 1) 331

Japan loves its "traditions". He would of got away with a 3D printed samurai sword.

Swords are also controlled. Japan is a tiny little overstuffed nation full of people who take everything to its logical conclusion. It's like one big institutionalized, industrialized version of Survivor. Toe the line, or you're off the island.

Comment Re:good (Score 2) 331

I think he was merely stating the obvious idea that with the weapons used by current day military, the whole defence-against-government argument for gun ownership is no longer valid. Whatever car roof-mounted machinegun you might have is laughably underpowered for the task of overpowering government.

That's funny, that's what they said in Viet Nam.

Unless you want the public to be able to own strike drones, bombers and nuclear rockets,

What I want is for the military to not have those things. It's no more ridiculous to let private citizens have those things than this proven-criminal government, which has demonstrated again and again that it will misuse them by murdering citizens without due process, contributing to genocide (remember Panama? That wasn't very long ago) and generally acting in the worst possible ways. Remember who the only country to ever nuke anyone is?

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 331

It's quite obvious that guns should not be freely available to just anybody.

That's true. In Japan, these laws might make sense. But here in the USA, a cop is roughly equally likely to be convicted of a crime as a citizen, except rape. They're four times more likely to be convicted of rape at some point, in spite of the blue wall, the blue code of silence etc. They're also about four times more likely to shoot an innocent bystander in a given armed attempt to defuse a situation than a private citizen. In Japan, the cops may be more responsible than the citizenry, but here in the USA, the citizenry is more responsible than the cops. Thus, I agree with your statement completely. We should clearly not give guns to the cops.

Comment Re:Not a surprise, but is it just one ingredient? (Score 1) 422

No, the Atkins diet works because most people will automatically limit themselves when eating a diet high in fat and proteins,

You are willfully ignorant. The opposite has been proven repeatedly, that even when the diet is high-calorie, it still works.

whereas the sugar/fat combination we find in many (processed) foods does not nearly have the same effect

That such a diet is unhealthy has no bearing whatsoever on whether ketosis is real.

Comment Re:Not a surprise, but is it just one ingredient? (Score 2) 422

It actually doesn't get any more simple than that, but too many people think there's some kind secret or potential magic cure for weight loss. Other than liposuction,

...there is also the low-carbohydrate modified fast commonly known today as the Atkins diet, in which it is possible to eat thousands of calories of fat (difficult, but possible, I've done it ho ho ho) and still lose weight. In my case, 10lb/mo for 9mo of sitting on ass and stuffing face. I'm asthmatic and I was too fat to exercise comfortably. I went from 380 to 290 packing my maw with massive steaks the size of a plate, eggs and bacon, and mixing-bowl sized salads showered with bleu cheese dressing. My cholesterol counts, blood pressure, and heart rate? Never better.

I call being able to remain full and lose weight rapidly close enough to magic for my purposes.

Comment Re:Not a surprise, but is it just one ingredient? (Score 1) 422

So am I safe if I alternate 12 oz diet soda with 12 oz water?

Safe from the water, anyway. But diet soda may well have other health concerns, because of the crap that's in it.

Ever notice how some food additives get renamed every few years? We actually had a law protecting us from renaming of MSG and Aspartame, which had to be called those particular things, but now we don't any more and so now the former is being called "yeast extract" and the latter is being called by brand names with which people aren't familiar. This is how you know the FDA of today is evil. Labeling requirements are basically all they should even be involved with.

Comment Re:Cumulative? How about other quantities? (Score 1) 422

I spent a few years drinking 6 or more free coca-colas a day (through two employers with free soda) and wound up with an ulcer, which went away in short order when I stopped. There's many reasons not to drink sugarwater in a can. I just had an argument about this with my lady, my contention was that soda fountains were a great thing but that soda in a can is a monkey on society's back. She thought it was all bad :)

Comment Re:Sugar only - not diet (Score 2) 422

Plain old sugar, as others point out, is glucose+sucrose. HFCS is ~sucrose+sucrose+glucose+other. Even if you discount the "other" as fear mongering, the different ratio of the 'oses results in different metabolic by products.

HFCS differs from regular CS by 5%. Build a bridge and get over it. HFCS is not the problem, the use of HFCS to replace vegetable oil in processed foods is the problem. It has a similar effect on final texture, believe it or not. So then they load it up with a shitload of citric acid, which also isn't good for you in excess! It's fine and even good in smaller amounts, but not in the wads necessary to kill the sweetness of the HFCS when you abuse it.

Comment Re:Trolls poised to take over the world (Score 1) 489

I find it breathtaking TFA would focus almost entirely on rape threats while largely remaining silent on the really insane aspects of this law.

It's really not surprising that someone, whipped into a froth, would make frothy decisions and statements. We do need to do something about rape culture. Handing government a club which they can use to beat people not involved in it is a move born of fear, and it will lead to abuse.

Comment Re:It's not censorship or more government control (Score 1) 489

I think a lot of people are misinterpreting the intent of this.

No, no we are not. The intent is obviously to broaden the reach of government over issues of speech. But since hate speech is already illegal, there's no need for a new law. Just apply existing laws to the internet! Done and done.

Comment Re:Trolls are the lowest form of life. . . (Score 1) 489

The day you finally finish High School and move out of your parents' basement you may find out just how wrong you are.

That may have seemed clever when you were starting out, but it was a staggeringly stupid thing to say. It must have been nice to skip high school so that you could remain so astoundingly ignorant.

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