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Comment Re: Obama has no right to do this (Score 1) 557

Weird shit leaking out of city dweller's ears?
You're dehumanizing and devaluing the majority of your own countrymen based on regional differences, to support your own view that you have more of a right to this country than they do. Look in a mirror, that weird shit you see gushing out of your own ears is your ego.

Comment Re: Obama has no right to do this (Score 1) 557

Reagan was a landslide.
Obama was a landslide.
Trump won the electoral college by one of the smallest margins in decades and lost the popular vote by millions.

Now I know numbers hurt your head, so why not just go back to pasting the same GNAA shock post in every article and let us adults talk.

Comment Re: Obama has no right to do this (Score -1, Flamebait) 557

Here's the issue. America rejected trump but the system awarded him the win anyway.
By simple math the people did want smug correctness over ego soothing batshit crazy.

Trump won because the system considers city dwellers inferior to country folk. Not because of any sort of ideological superiority.

Comment Re:Fox News headline version (Score 0, Troll) 171

Ah, yes. The assassination attempt of Gabby Gifford, originating from Sarah Palin's crosshairs attack ad and recently mirrored by that orange bag of hate and bile in a 'winkwink nudgenudge" call for gun owners to kill Clinton, was just an uninterested dismissal of the congresswoman.

Cheeto Jesus is a very apt name. He's completely manufactured, 95% air with no real substance, has to be dressed up tremendously to look appealing, is only popular because of a massive marketing effort, and is bad for your health.

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