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Comment Re:Artificial trans fat, not just trans fat. (Score 1) 520

While I personally agree tobacco has no place in society, alcohol is a different matter.

Some forms of alcohol are beneficial to your health in small regular doses, and after the initial developmental years have passed almost all detrimental effects to your health are caused by abuse of alcohol.
But say you did decide to ban alcohol, where would that ban stop? Vinegar is basically wine that has gone bad, so would it be banned? What about flavor extracts used in baking? Sourdough? Yeast leavened goods? Fruit juice (you'd be surprised)?

Comment Re: bitch and moan (Score 1) 400

I'll take mismanaged contractors over monopoly seeking groups lead by people specificallt chosen for their lack of empathy and inability to consider another human being as anything but a ledger entry.
Say they did farm it out to private corps:

Any bank: It presents you options based on your credit rating.
Car company: You can shop on their website but you have to visit an authorized dealer to purchase.
Walmart: Only HMOs that emphasize continued treatment are listed, others are strong armed into getting rid of long term cure coverage.
Verizon: It works for the most part but they leave a gaping hope in the system that lets spammers send fake messages to you claiming to be your insurance.
Oil company: Premiums double after a natural disaster or any sort of middle eastern unrest. They never go down.
Amazon: Site works fine but the mandatory Prime membership for every covered person is a bit excessive.
Microsoft: Site is slower than it should be and gets infected with malware 38 minutes after launch.
Apple: You have 3 plans to choose from, all of them bronze plans prices like a gold. Atleast the website is pretty.
Ebay: 50/50 chance the plan you bought is actually some rocks in a PS3 box.
Google: The influx of data from users is the last piece needed for the search engine to reach sentience. Maybe we shouldn't have emphasized drone warfare...

Comment Re: bitch and moan (Score 1) 400

Yes, because the problems stem from not enough greed. It's not like all 40+ private contractors thought to themselves "If I make my part so complex and convoluted that no one else understands it they'll never be able to drop my contract and I'll have a perment income stream. Sure it'll cause a bit of slowdown and glitchyness, but the other contractors would never think to do what I am so the rest of the build will be perfect and my errors unnoticable. It's perfect!"

Comment Re: I only go... (Score 1) 415

Generally by the time you know to get vaccinated for an outbreak you're already too late. Immunizations aren't instant acting or ever quick acting like antibiotics/antivirals. It takes time for your system to learn and prepare a response.

Really, you frequent a website that regularly features stories about massive computer infections from unpatched vulnerabilities, and the connection from the digital realm to the biological one never registers?
Constant reminders of proactive instead of reactive infection response and yet when it comes to physical suffering and possible death from a viral infection a lot of people here just say "Meh, why bother doing anything now? I can just take care of it later if it becomes a problem." or "I never get infected so why should I care?"

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

You getting a family member to do the procedure for free and cutting costs by forgoing one of the two major consumables of the operation is hardly "typical".

No, fillings aren't 100% guaranteed to be painful. But the vast majority of experiences are very much situated in the "dear lord the drill has gone through the tooth and is making its way to my brain" range of the pain spectrum when modern anesthetics aren't applied.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Wait, there was a fad of dentistry without anesthesia a few years back?
Because this was 20 years ago, quite a bit longer than "a few".
Unless you're trying to look old and wise by referring to the 1800s as "a few years back".

13 year old + sensitive teeth + water temperature in the upper 30s = railroad spike of ice through the brain.
I don't know about you but to me that pain ranked up there with my kidney stones 6 years later.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 2) 699

I've had 3 cavities filled and a quarter a toenail removed (infected ingrown, big toe, right quarter of right toenail) all without anesthesia because I couldn't stand getting the shot. Even refused the painkiller drip the ER offered when I was passing a kidney stone (4mm, painful but passable).
The cavities weren't that bad, just railroad spikes of ice through the brain. But the toenail is every bit a torture as you can imagine. I snapped the bed railing when he started digging under the nail with the surgical equivalents of needlenose pliars and wire snips. I don't regret turning the shots down one bit.

For some of us the shot really is worse than the consequence of not getting it.
Though I have started getting flu shots now that I have kids. I just have to suck it up and be a dad because the alternative is scarier than any number of shots.

Comment Re:Let me translate that into English: (Score 2) 97

Bah, these are the risk takers that think beyond your puny limitations. The ones who will get in on the next trillion dollar idea because they dared to dream.
The ones who live on daddy's dime and if in any lower economic class would be sitting in a 3rd rate casino somewhere plunking nickles in a slot machine all day...

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