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Comment Re:How does one determine the difference... (Score 1) 389

The biggest problem with general jury duty is it is unbounded.

IMO, the biggest problem is that the two sides get to reject jurors. If they just picked 12 random people without any challenges allowed, then required (say) only 10 of 12 to agree on the verdict, the system would work more efficiently and with less gaming. Maybe exceptions could be made for hardship or disruptive jurors could be ejected (and fined), but the current system is mostly gamesmanship. Lawyers don't want intelligent jurors, they want jurors they can manipulate.

Comment Re:Umm .... (Score 4, Funny) 209

It's simple; you just need to change the motions of the heavenly bodies so that Earth orbits the sun exactly 13 times per year, the Earth rotates exactly 28 times per month, and the Moon orbits the Earth exactly once per month. If you can arrange that, I'll gladly switch to your new calendar.

Comment Re:So - who's in love with the government again? (Score 1) 397

There has never been a case of this causing a single problem anywhere.


So what is this horrifying stuff-which be as much as four feet thick-and why did it begin appearing? The Minnesota research team is focusing on changes in the microbial content of pig shit as the cause. Minnesota Daily reports that the researchers hypothesize that a "new set of [bacteria] species" has developed in manure pits in the last few years. One possible catalyst: The practice of feeding pigs distillers grains, the spent mash left over from turning corn into ethanol. Distillers grains came roaring into feed rations in the mid-2000s as corn prices surged, pushed up by the federal government's escalating corn-ethanol mandates.

Comment Re:Revolt? (Score 1) 818

they more or less control the media, thus control what people see, read, and think

I always laugh when I see a statement like this, in an open forum read by hundreds of thousands of people. If the government is controlling what people see, why aren't you modded "-1 Unpatriotic"?

Comment Re: Programming is hard... (Score 1) 391

I maintain a system that, in theory, uses this component model to store and search documents. Third-party software is used to index, ocr, open archives and emails, extract different formats, display search results and the docs themselves, etc. In theory these are all solid products from established vendors that should function well. In practice, though, each component has its little flaws and end case problems, and always in different situations. As a result, the system is massively unreliable and requires constant attention to keep it from collapsing -the failure rates of the components are additive, and it adds up to a lot. The best news I've heard this year is that it's being discontinued.

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