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Comment Re:Fourth Amendment (Score 3, Interesting) 457

"it is not the breaking of a man's doors and the rummaging of his drawers that constitutes the essence of the offense; but it is the invasion oh his indefeasible right of personal security, personal liberty and private property, where that right has never been forfeited by his conviction of some public offense" Quote from Justice Joseph P. Bradley

Comment Re:maybe in some cases (Score 1) 614

the devil is in the details peeps. Big projects take teams, and reams of information to build the proper systems for enterprise tools. I don't think the business people understand what it take to make good software, or how to hire the good programmers. I know I don't that's why i am a SA. I know i am not there at all in the good category as far a programming goes. If the whole enterprise is not behind a project 100% then it will fail or blunder like the ones before. There are far too many moving parts to not play it like a chess game and think 20 moves ahead. Its sad but true.

Comment Re:First for banning HFT (Score 1) 314

i go for more regulation. The past decade or so has been nothing but gambling and thievery. I can say with out a doubt i am disgusted at the way our society has allowed this to happen. I pity what your children are going to go through in the coming years. I will do my best to prepare them for the pain and suffering to follow.

Comment Re:This is a losing proposition. (Score 1) 138

ever heard of thing called android? or steam? the windows gaming arena is over and so are the gaming consoles. You can't complete with 30 gb of ram and 12 cores and dual video cards. The rest can be ran on handheld android phones or tablets. The war is over and Microsoft sony, and nintendo lost.

Comment Re:Totally arbitrary anyway (Score 2) 215

i think that's utter bull shit. given enough time and effort, even your own effort all knowledge comes. There is no reason to not teach these kids the fundamentals of how to learn and grow in this society. They do not have to be janitors or cooks unless they want to be. We can make freaking robots for that crap. They must have the basics so that they can learn on their own after school or their world will be very bleak indeed. I watched my own parents work day in and day out trying to make ends meat. By the time i graduated from highschool their bodies were wrecked, and aliments of other kinds were coming as well. this is not how we should be treating people in this society. At some point those jobs won't be there anyways like i said above, the time is coming where we are going to have machines doing most of the manual labor, and perhaps most of the lower thinking jobs as well.

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