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Comment Re:What a joke (Score 4, Insightful) 195

Then why aren't you buying your own modem for less than $50 and saving yourself the money every month? I mean, I get it, I think Comcast is for the birds too but honestly bitching about something you can buy yourself and they'll absolutely allow you to take on all the risk for is not something to choose to complain about.

Comment Re: Bee Keepers and the Audience (Score 1) 365

With that uid you have been around long enough to remember the AOL invasion of Usenet and the massive chaos that imposed on users. However, unlike Usenet back then, we now have plenty of alternatives, and this place will become quickly abandoned if a similar impact happens. I wonder if those pushing this have read Santayana...

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Submission + - Popular Registry Cleaner Software to Become Open Source by Crowdfunding (prweb.com) 1

An anonymous reader writes: Hi,

I would like to draw your attention on the following news tip:

Macecraft Software has published an unparalleled crowdfunding campaign to convert the popular jv16 PowerTools, an already established commercial Windows maintenance utility, to free, open source software. The process was launched with a social media campaign that has already brought phenomenal attention to the cause with a combined social media reach of over one million people.

The crowdfunding campaign is now live at: http://www.macecraft.com/indie...

Attached you can find our company's latest press release with complete details on the event.
Hope that you will consider referencing this news in your publication.

Do not hesitate to contact us at media@macecraft.com in case any questions or concerns.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you!

Mihai Barbulescu
Crowdfunding Campaign Coordinator
+40 726 264 728

Comment Better chances if you do not have one? (Score 2, Interesting) 343

As a one-time worker bee who is now a part of senior management (with an MPA and not an MBA, although they are pretty similar) I understand what he is saying but I disagree that people should have a better chance of being hired because they have the three letters next to their name.

I hire for open reqs based on the PERSON and their SKILLSET, not the degree they may or may not hold. You know, the way it should be. What Musk is promoting through another one of his ridiculous soundbites is that we should pay more attention to degrees (good or bad) than the skills someone brings along with them.

Musk can be absolutely brilliant and incredibly and insanely stupid all at the same time.

Submission + - Building a new spy-proof Internet - the Edge Net (theedg.es)

pieterh writes: The Edge Net lives safely at the edge of the Internet, on our smart phones. It uses mobile WiFi hotspots to create "cells" for exchanging news and content. Cells talk to cells, asynchronously, covering neighborhoods, and cities. The Edge Net doesn't exist yet. This project is about building it. The fundraiser project raised $1,700 in its first day.

Submission + - HealthCare.gov: what went wrong? (infoworld.com) 1

codeusirae writes: An initial round of criticism focused on how many files the browser was being forced to download just to access the site, per an article at Reuters. A thread at Reddit appeared and was filled with analyses of the code. But closer looks by others have teased out deeper, more systematic issues.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Easy, Open Source Desktop Sharing Software 2

N8F8 writes: Like many IT professionals I provide a lot free helpdesk type support to friends and family. I've decided to expand my support work and create a site where Veterans can receive free computer help (VeteransHelp.org). I'm using OSTicket (osticket.com) for the ticket reporting. What It really need is an easy to use desktop sharing system. In the past I've used TeamViewer because it is easy to use but it is not really free for non personal use. Recently I switched to Meraki Systems Manager because it is free and it uses VNC but unfortunately it isn't intended for the one-time-use type support I'll be offering. So I'm looking for a reliable, open source, easy to use desktop sharing solution that I can set up on my site for people to join one-time-use help desk sessions.

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