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Comment Re:Why doesn't Google just stop advertising malwar (Score 1) 70

If so, why don't they just stop hosting malware or scam sites. There are certain keywords for legitimate services or products that are always guaranteed to give top hits in malware.

There's an old saying: "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!"

After several people in my family got bitten by advertising malware, primarily due to clicking the top Google result after searching for popular open source projects such as "firefox" or "open office" or "vlc" (I literally watched as this happened to one of them), I helped them install Firefox if they didn't have it, and AdBlock+ with an auto-updating subscription. The two more tech-savvy I showed NoScript and explained how it use it.

Since then they've had next to no problems with this kind of drive-by malware. They also really love ad-free YouTube videos and a much faster annoyance-free browsing experience.

In the (distant) past I would have felt a little bad about this kind of carte blanche blocking advertising. Not anymore. It's defensive driving for the Web, and the only smart way to use it.

Comment Re:It has this. (Score 1) 191

If you mean thing like side-loading just random crap, like if I were a private detective hired by your wife, and had 60 seconds of access to your iPhone, I could sideload some serious backdoor onto your phone to enable me to monitor your texts, phone calls, email, Facebook, and so on ... I'm pretty sure no one wants someone else to be able to load that kind of crap on their phones, but if you can do it, they can do it, too.

Well hey, now -- I've seen some wobbly straw men in my time, but that one might just take the cake.

The hostility Apple fans have for those who still want computers (even hand-held ones) to be general purpose computing devices that are actually owned by their owners never ceases to amaze me.

Comment Re:The Majority Still Has Follow the Constitution (Score 5, Insightful) 1083

And again, I reiterate what I said earlier. Where do rights come from?

You're missing the whole point of what the founding fathers and the US constitution was attempting to create.

These inalienable rights "come from" nowhere. They exist innately and the constitution was written largely to express this, and to prevent laws from being created which would stifle or try to remove them. The social construct aspect applies insofar as to how to balance things when the desires or actions of one person impact the rights of another person. They certainly don't come from a god.

Even the creation of the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments to the Constitution) was criticized by several high-profile people of the time because they were concerned that it would be interpreted as a "list of rights", and if a specific right wasn't in that list, then the People didn't have that right. A concession was the Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

One of the dissenters of the Bill of Rights was Hamilton, who said, among other things:

It has been several times truly remarked, that bills of rights are in their origin, stipulations between kings and their subjects, abridgments of prerogative in favor of privilege, reservations of rights not surrendered to the prince. [...] Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing, and as they retain every thing, they have no need of particular reservations.

One of the biggest differences between the newly created United States versus other old-world countries was this very thing. The recognition that all people have innate and inalienable rights, not bestowed by society or god or privilege or bloodline, but simply because they are a living, thinking human being.

High ideals, perhaps, and we slipped badly sometimes (slavery probably being the biggest), but every time I see people say things "gay marriage isn't listed in the Constitution" I cringe because they have such a fundamental misunderstanding of the country they live in.

Comment Hardly Surprising (Score 5, Insightful) 179

This is hardly surprising:

- It seems like an unwritten rule that the tools and websites (third-party and homegrown) that business use for hiring are horrible. I have to assume they're designed to be a gauntlet so that only the most stubborn and persistent candidates make it to the end.

- Automated tools that scan resumes looking for specific things have led to people putting all sorts of crap on their resume, just in hopes of getting a foot in the door. This leads to interviews like "So it says you have a lot of experience in SQL. Can you elaborate on that?" Candidate: "Oh, yeah, I took an online class a few years ago and I did some SELECTs!"

- Most recruiters have a clear conflict of interest and some of them take a scattergun approach that interviewers need to filter through.

- Wishy-washy managers always want to wait and put off giving an offer "in case something better comes along" (I've heard that many times in post-interview discussions).

- Internal politics when there's any kind of restriction on how many open seats will be filled leads to infighting between groups, delaying an offer because nobody knows who they'd work for yet.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say that HR at most places is filled with depressing things, but the hiring process is one of the worst.

Comment Re:But Google Code? (Score 5, Insightful) 44

No, Google Code was project hosting, this is (effectively) just repo hosting.

The difference between project hosting and a "service to host and edit source code repositories" is a few wiki pages for a description and documentation. They closed down Google Code claiming competition and saturation from sites like GitHub and BitBucket, but now they're starting a new service that still directly competes with those?

I can only assume the primary problem with Google Code which caused its closure was the lack of "cloud" in the name.

Comment Re:While we're at it (Score 2) 127

Bring back 'Read more' or a 'View comments' link or button PLEASE!

I put together a user style that attempts to undo some of the recent changes, including this one. It might be a little rough around the edges, but it's made the site much more usable for me.

I'm planning on maintaining it (at least for a while), so any suggestions are welcome. It's also public domain if anyone wants to go nuts.

Comment Re:hey DICE newfags (Score 1) 172

Completely agreed. And moving the "number of comments" link to the title bar was just batshit, since now you can't just scan down the page seeing what stories are popular.

A bit rough around the edges, but I put together a userstyle to adjust these two things. It looks like this. Feel free to fix/adapt it:

@-moz-document domain("slashdot.org") {
    #firehose article header span.topic {
        top: 45px;

    #firehose article .comment-bubble {
        right: auto;
        top: auto;
        left: 30px;
        bottom: 5px;
        border: none;
        background-color: inherit;
        font-size: 90%;
        width: 38px;
        height: 25px;
        line-height: 1.6rem;

    #firehose article span.comment-bubble::after {
        border-color: rgb(1, 103, 101) transparent transparent;
        border-width: 5px 5px 0 0;
        bottom: -5px;

I have a feeling that we're seeing the start of a very gradual rollout of Beta. Fuck that noise.

Comment Re:Prototypical (Score 1) 80

It's just sugar.

True, but the end result is the same. All the same people will continue to pretend that the language is built for classes and ignore prototypes, but now even more will just use the classes interface since it's "official" now. This leaves projects or developers who do use prototypes even farther out in left field, since classes have become an even more common practice.

I'm not going to say it's good or bad thing in a productivity or business sense, since classes are clearly more common and familiar to most people. But from just a language identity standpoint, it's a loss and that's too bad.

Comment Prototypical (Score 4, Informative) 80

revamped syntax featuring classes

So they just gave up on the whole prototype system and duct taped class-based OO on top of it? That's actually kind of sad -- It was a special aspect of Javascript that set it apart from other languages, and homogenization is boring. I guess maybe today's "Javascript developers" just couldn't wrap their heads around it.

Here's a rundown of the new features if anyone else hasn't been following ES6 and is curious. A few of note are

scoped and const declaration via let and const,
lazy iterators and generators,
format/heredoc strings,
and varargs ala Lua.

Overall this looks like a good step in bringing Javascript closer to being on par with more modern languages.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2) 137

Having polls in the news feed really sucks ass.

Not on that, but it was collapsed to just the title of the post (at least for me). I skipped over it earlier as an inane Idle post, but looking over again decided to expand the title to at least RTFS.

Why are you guys trying to kill polls?

Comment Re:Oh mozilla (Score 4, Insightful) 351

The trend in software development is always towards bloat, cruft and kitchen sink. In the end, you have a program that does everything for everyone, that nobody really can use effectively.

Which is the beauty of the Firefox addon system. The baseline browser as a framework is extensible in an almost unlimited fashion, which should allow them to keep the default web browser lean and focused on browsing the web. If someone wants add chat client or "read it later" functionality, users can choose to install that addon. Mozilla could even show a "suggested addons" page the first time a user runs Firefox that includes stuff like Pocket and the absurd Firefox Hello crap. For that matter, they could even bundle addons for things like Hello, making it easy for users to remove addons they have no interest in.

But no. Mozilla is filled with people hell-bent on destroying Firefox the web browser and and replacing it with Firefox the Platform. I'm just waiting for them to start decommissioning the addon framework, which they've already started by requiring all addons to be signed by Mozilla, or they won't be loaded. It's sickening.

Comment Re:100% effectiveness against any unknown attacks (Score 1) 145

Even that is misleading, because if say an app has a vulnerability that allows arbitrary code execution in its process then that code will be able to write to all the places the app is allowed to write to.

And on Windows you don't even need a vulnerability in one of the whitelisted programs. CreateRemoteThread will gladly give you an execution context in another process you have access to. From there you can LoadLibrary or CreateFile or whatever other evil things you might want to do.

Comment Re:Odd thoughts: (Score 1) 285

Agree with pretty much everything you said, but especially

Powershell is nice as a scripting language, but it's a bear as a command shell.

I've tried to use Powershell as my shell but it just doesn't feel right; however, I've written several scripts for it for file manipulation and system administration tasks. It's also nice for administering Microsoft stuff like Exchange, both as a shell and scripting engine.

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