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Comment Re:They believe it because it's true (Score 0, Flamebait) 928

Let's not forget aboutthese guys!

Seriously though, every group out there has members that are fascist. For example, the "liberal" folks in the US congress believe that they have the right to force me to donate my money to foreign countries. They enforce that so-called right with the threat of the FBI, police, and military.

Comment Re:Different intelligence: (Score 3, Insightful) 928

So what you're saying is that men are brutish, ugly creatures who prefer to punch each other rather than discuss disputes rationally. Well, I guess the majority of scientific consensus reached prior to the sexual revolution in the 60s was pretty bloody what with all the fistfights and gunshot wounds.

Nevermind the fact that both sexes have the tendancy to resolve disputes through violence, let's perpetuate the stereotype of woman as a "meek, caring little creature" and man as a "strong, willful monster."

Comment Re:Combination of Factors (Score 1) 552

I'd say that the backward attitude and resistance to education exists because people have always seen high school as teaching students academic skills. The reason rote memorization exists in mathematics education is because students need to learn the methods of algebraic manipulation in order to study any science or engineering. Rote memorization is neccessary. What we need to do isn't remove it, but add tasks which include using the rote to make judgements based on quantities.

Comment Re:Yes it would (Score 1) 296

Are you implying that the existence of millions of more people on the planet does not also require that some of them be employed keeping themselves fed, clothed, housed, driven, etc?

The trouble with the "creating jobs" idea is that frequently government takes money away from other people who would have paid someone to do something, and distributes it through a long chain of tax collectors and bureaucrats who all get their cut. So essentially by relying on government to "create jobs" for hundreds of thousands, you may be inadvertently denying jobs to millions of people.

Essentially, would you rather take $1000 out of your taxes to spend on repairs to your house or car, or would you rather $250 be spent on $750 of that money going to repair someone else's house or car?

Comment Re:what to do, what to do (Score 1) 553

Or our experiment doesn't account for a phenomenon not predicted by current theory. One of the two. Either way it doesn't "disprove" GR, it only suggests that there is something we're missing. Consider that Gravity Lensing and Gravitational Redshift are two of the most important effects predicted by GR, and both of these effects actually happen.

Comment Re:what to do, what to do (Score 1) 553

Hey, don't drag Math into this. Humans invented Math. Math exists entirely inside of a person's head, and therefore is not an artifact of the Universe. I could certainly make a rule in my Mathematics that "2+2=5." Math's game would then be to determine how that rule interacts with any other rules I would posit. There's nothing concrete about it.

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