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Comment Re:Makes Sense (Score 1) 225

They don't know how an address bar works

I disagree, reason, misspelling. its a huge pain in the ass and people are being taken advantage of by making mistakes in the address bar. I use links for every thing I search nothing in the address bar I type nothing in the address bar and guess what? I don't get hijacked. The only safe way to search is by using Google or Duckduckgo which is my default search provider btw. You may say learn to spell better I say don't take advantage of peoples mistakes to make money.

Comment Re:Nobody cares (Score 1) 76

I've been saying this for years there needs to be some kinda national security committee that exploits are sent too. If said company ignores the problem they get fined big time that's the only think theses corporations care about, Money. so we need to start making the fines much larger and maybe criminal charges as well. Think about it who are they going to listen to first some stranger like you who has no power or a Government Office that has the power to shut them down and fine and jail?

Comment Re:Live by the sword, die by the sword (Score 4, Insightful) 242

Yes, I agree blackouts suck, but at the end of the day NFL/etc have the right to control distribution of their content.

That would be true if they didn't except taxpayer money/tax exemptions/tax breaks but they do and that money comes conditions. I say F the NFL,MBL,NHL owners save up your own dam money and build your own dam stadiums without having to cut school budgets and many other social needs.

Comment Re:Canada needs to up their game (Score 1) 40

Can only speak for myself and my experience it tasted bad. And i like natural stuff, i make my own sausage,Kielbasa,pickles, a lot of stuff. Its a lot of work but the payoff is great. Not going to lie though i love sweets i love processed syrup 1000%. I know a lot of work goes into making real maple syrup but i don't like. it life goes on

Comment Re:Stupid move, celebrity (Score 1, Interesting) 225

"Google sites like BlogSpot and YouTube four weeks after the firm ordered them taken down."

Um Google owns the Blogger site so ya they are hosting the images. So they are making money from the images because they draw more people and that means more ads placed, more ads clicked, more ads sold. Bit of a women hater hu?

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