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Comment Re:Drivers license (Score 1) 312

Oh i agree with you 100% just posted what i thought was a silly statement. oh a side note how does one drive differently with a paying customer as apposed to a family member?? that's kinda silly too, thinking there some kinda special way to drive paying as apposed to loved ones. They should have just stated they need a commercial license to drive paying customers and a minimum amount of insurance as apposed to bottom dollar government mandated get by insurance. Ive been driving since 1975 im an expert driver with 39 years driving experience no recordable accidents, no tickets except 2 parking tickets. Any test the government could think up is nothing more then black tape feelgood laws. But requiring then to pay for a commercial license is very fair IMEO

Comment Drivers license (Score 0) 312

"no legal entity (person, enterprise) is allowed to transfer passengers without having passed the relevant tests and having the appropriate insurance coverage"

Everyone has passed that, its called a "Drivers license" unless they just hand them out at the age of whatever in Germany. lol Everyone must get insurance so that's a given.

Comment Re:Where are these photos? (Score 1) 336

"Blaming the victim does not mean demonizing the victim"

Incredibly arrogant comment! You really are a true coward. The Victim in this case did zip nadanit wrong Apple is to blame GitHub it to blame for publishing the exploit before it was fixed Apple being apple deny,deny,deny,lie,lie,lie. Waited untill it was too late and off course the scum coward who stole the images and published them. They are all at fault the women did nothing wrong at all.

Comment Re:Where are these photos? (Score 1, Troll) 336

There are no buts man. up until you did the old victim blaming thing I had respect for your opinion. Once you did the blame the victim rant IMO you are no better then the people who stole the images. Should we stop driving cars because of the way other drive that's what your saying. Should we stop going outside for fear of getting mugged that's what your saying. Don't go outside don't live don't depend on others stay inside and maybe be more safe because well your putting your life at risk when you use a stove or the home heater might go bad or the roof might fall in blaming the victim is what cowards do IMEO

Comment Re:Don't feed the trolls (Score 1) 1262

Hay i love swinging tits an ass as mush as the next guy. Ive seen the comments guy make "racist comment,gay bashing jew bashing references to animal, sex you name it ive seen it commented on" in multiplayer games so ya she is not talking out her ass but most of the gamers would say they would love to stick things in it. That makes some of her points doesn't mean she cant call people out on it. Dude you want to pretend shes wrong go ahead we agree to disagree.

Comment I tried MSN messenger years and years ago (Score 1) 127

I tried MSN messenger years and years ago. As far as messengers go they were no competition to Yahoo messenger or AIM,Aim being the king. Its been at least 10 years since i had MSN messenger and noway in the gods green earth i would use Skype. Yahoo was my Fav it had before MSN and AIM. In the beginning Yahoo and MSN were most used by web cam swingers and showoffs. mostly unwelcome dick flashers. Men are such dicks

Comment Re:Don't feed the trolls (Score 1) 1262

Yes,she is. Some feminist are not as extreme as others. How can you decide what she has lived? Can you say with 1000% certification she hasn't lived what she speaks if? Because i have seen plenty of males doing just as she claims. So she is not making stuff up. I don't agree with everything shes says but she is no troll. Extremist yes, troll nope. We agree to disagree. I would say your view of her is extremist for sure.

Comment I don't believe fining it the correct punishment (Score 1) 74

I don't believe fining it the correct punishment. I mean go ahead fine me, its not my money anyways. I really think that was travesty of justice the person in charge should be suspended or fired. One government office fining another is a slap in the face of the taxpayer who pay the fine.

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