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Comment Re:Article is trole. (Score 1) 344

Microsoft powered phones don't exist in the real world. I have yet to see one. They are apocryphal.

I am shocked that in the hours since you wrote this comment, no Microsofties have showed up to tell us how wonderful their Windows Phone is. I literally only ever see those comments on Slashdot, but normally they are as reliable as the sunrise.

Comment Re:Power User? (Score 2, Insightful) 344

Not true, a jailbroken iOS device is essentially a small BSD box.

Oh? So you have the source code? Snicker snort.

A jailbroken Android device, on the other hand, really is a small Linux box. You can trivially install a more complete userland on most interesting phones. You can install an X server. You can get the sources to everything but the Google Play stuff, and you can use the phone without that stuff. In theory you should even be able to throw away the GUI and all the apps from Android and switch to Wayland someday, at least on relatively modern phones whose graphics drivers will be usable by Wayland.

Now, tell us again how much your iOS phone is like a computer, please. We're fascinated.

Comment Re:Limits? (Score 2) 35

Obviously, our technology is not at the point where such a thing could be created. It may very well require molecules to be assembled atom-by-atom.

That doesn't actually preclude our doing it, although we won't be able to do it with a robot arm any time soon. (Would love to be wrong.) It might be possible to do it with biotech, though.

Comment 20-40% overblown (Score 1) 597

If you're using somewhere near the inverter's peak output, then you can get as much as 90% efficiency. Inverters are getting smaller all the time, which makes it more feasible to gang modules instead of using monolithic units which will provide very low conversion efficiency for low outputs.

It's still unfortunate to leave 10% on the table. But a lot of DC-DC power supplies are also not very efficient. Best-case, they are only around 95% efficient, and you can easily lose another 10-15% if you execute them poorly. So yes, optimally they have half the peak loss, and even bad ones are likely to be better, but we can make better inverters and we will as the demand increases.

Comment Re:Maybe a definition is need here... (Score 1) 344

I agree with your post mostly, but what exactly constitutes a "power user"?

Well, we could argue about that all day, but I argue that it doesn't really matter: no matter what it means, they're more likely to use Android. If it just means they are going to want to use a broad variety of apps from disparate sources, that's Android. If it means they want to customize their phone as much as possible, even just bling-bling style, that's Android. If it means they want to tinker with the internals, obviously that is Android. If they care about security and controlling what apps can do on their phone, that's also Android, albeit one of the cooked-down versions and without Google services — but you can do that if you want to.

You could argue that any of these desires makes you a "power user", but clearly any of them will also lead you to Android. If you took some of them to extremes you might end up someplace else, but it wouldn't be iOS or Windows Phone.

Comment Re:Clean room implementation? (Score 1) 223

Linux had 1 crappy pay-for version of CDE because some schlep company ended up buying copyrights to extort money from people.

I don't even remember there being a pay-for version of CDE for Linux. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I just remember you could buy a Motif tarball from Metrolink that would get you Motif and mwm, not like you would ever use mwm when you had fvwm. And then later you could buy Caldera Network Desktop, which came with Metrolink Motif. You could also buy AccelX, which got you a substantially faster X server back in those days, with meaningful support for your video card's 2d acceleration features... something that XFree eventually achieved, of course. Apparently you can build CDE for Linux these days, but I haven't tried. (why...)

Comment Re:Clean room implementation? (Score 1) 223

Doesn't the Linux kernel group hold a very similar stance in that you cannot use the kernels internal APIs without breaching copyright and thus falling under the GPL as a derivative work?

Not really. TL;DR: Linus doesn't say so, and he holds the trademark, so he gets to decide what makes "Linux(tm)".

Comment Re:So Floyd Mayweather's $200M+ for one hour of wo (Score 2) 272

Through the labor of others? He & Pacquiano didn't "earn it"? Who did Michael Jordan (billionaire) oppress? How about Oprah Winfrey?

Yay, you can find a tiny handful of examples of people who support your argument! But most of the people who support mine, you'll never know their names, they're just in the background making money while you pay for it.

And while you piss and moan about "useless ignorant fucks", they're actually the great equalizer: you should be *hoping* these billionaires have stupid children to whom they leave their money just so that they can piss it all away in a mad bout of consumerism.

Unfortunately, they often wind up just shuffling that money between themselves, and it never trickles down to us poor ignorant saps in the trenches. It should not be a news bulletin to you that trickle-down economics does not work, but that's precisely what you're arguing. The truth is that the rich don't buy stuff from poor people. They shop on different streets than poor people, let alone in different stores.

Comment Re:Trust in the IT department (Score 1) 110

The problem is that he didn't trust his IT department so he went around them. THAT is the root of the problem.

Yeah, his trust issues caused me a problem.

The fact that he got owned later on is merely the symptom of the problem.

No, the fact it got owned later on is how we know he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

Comment Re:An aid or a barrier? (Score 1) 110

And hey, at least you can enjoy a warez site, right?

Oh no, the absolute best part was that because the guy was the boss' friend, I didn't even get to do the post-mortem on the machine that got owned, which means I didn't even get access to the warez. Well, no. The absolute best part was that I got blamed for the server existing, because stuff like that was my job. Lesson learned: firewall outgoing traffic, even in a small org where surely that would be more hassle than it would provide actual technical reward? (I could literally walk to all the desks and had only one person beneath me.) Be more BOFH, not less, because that is the only way to CYA. And if people don't like it, they ought to remember that they get the IT department that they deserve.

Comment Re:Why no trust in the IT department? (Score 1) 110

The question you should be asking is why didn't he go to his IT department first?

Yeah, I asked that question, I didn't get an answer. As it turned out it had entirely to do with him being a) arrogant and b) buddy-buddy with the boss, so he got away with it. He was just a special snowflake who thought he knew better than me, but he was obviously wrong. But he went to school with the boss.

There has to be a reason he thought his buddy would be more helpful.

You misread that. He undertook to raise the server on his own, he got away with creating a warez site by doing something I was supposed to do because he was friends with the boss.

Yes IT can help get it right but that is not the problem. The problem is that they are seen as a barrier rather than an aid. They say "no" rather than "why don't we try this instead".

Bullshit. They say no to specific requests which are stupid. They don't say no when you come to them and ask them how you can accomplish something. You're upset for the IT department not answering the right questions when they're being asked the wrong ones. Stop coming to the IT department like you know what you're doing, tell them what you need to do, and you'll get the results you're looking for. Also, come to them when you first know that you have an IT need, not at the last minute. You're creating your own problems.

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