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Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 377

...because jpegs are so huge to begin with :|

The BBC news site gets 40 million unique users per week and their homepage contains around 400k worth of JPEGs.

If BPG reduces the size of those images by 100k and If each of those users loads the homepage just once, that would save them 570 gigs of bandwidth per week.

Not to mention the saving for users with bandwidth caps on their connection...

Comment Sensitivity is still an issue (Score 1) 108

A DSLR has managed to detect a large planet in a fast orbit around a small, close star. Kepler is sensitive enough to detect earth-sized planets orbiting G-type stars at 1AU, A DSLR (or even conventional telescope) can't replicate that.

I suspect most (all?) of the transiting planets that today's DSLRs could detect have probably already been detected by sky surveys anyway.

Comment Re: A lesson about History- and the liar narrative (Score 1) 62

But your example is about fitting various pieces of evidence together to come up with a theory that challenges previously held beliefs, our AC friend at the top there seems to have missed that bit out. It doesn't matter how true something is, if there's no evidence for it then it's not scientific.

Comment SD cards can't impersonate a keyboard (Score 2) 178

SD cards can't impersonate a keyboard, so anything like the USB firmware hack you linked to is impossible. There could be malicious files pre-installed on the drive, but then that's happened to big name suppliers plenty of times too.

As far as I know Android has no facility to run code directly from an SD card anyway, and if you're using an antivirus package worth its salt on your PC it would block any autorun attempt.

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"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
