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Comment Re:financial impact (Score 5, Interesting) 455

I originally found out about this other video after Youtube's content identification system identified *my* video as infringing on *their* video and disabled revenue sharing, that took a month to sort out during which I was unable to monetize my work. (also, I suspect that this possible infringing status flagged my account and resulted in several of my other videos submitted during that period being denied monetization).

Anyway, yes, offended and it cost me a bit of revenue


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: How Do I Deal With Organizations Double Down On The DMCA Process? (

szyzyg writes: "I've created som popular science videos showing how asteroid discoveries have happened over the last few decades. However I've run into a problem with a religious orgnization which borrowed my video and redubbed it to promote their religious message. Ultimately I filed a DMCA takedown request via Youtube's site, it's as easy as filling in a form and the video was removed. But this organization has since submitted a counterclaim claiming 'under penalty of perjury' that they do in fact have the rights to this work, and youtube has reinstated the video. It looks like the only way I can pursue this further is to spend the money to take the organization to court and get an injunction, but even if I did so I'd have to pay court costs up front and since they're based in another country I'd have a difficult time actually collecting any money from the other party. It feels like this other group is simply gambling that I won't spend the time and resources to take further legal action, the DMCA is supposed to provide equal protection but the more lawyer you have the more 'equal' you are. So does anyone have any suggestions for how I should proceed here?"

Comment Re:Needs a better sample (Score 1) 86

Because until the US switches to Ranked Choice Voting only 2 parties can ever be competitive. and the 2 parties that are will have no incentive to change the system to let in 3rd parties.

(not to mention that the libertarians would probably shy away from RCV as being unconstitutional)

Comment Trespassing.... (Score 4, Funny) 684

I remember reading one news story where a property owner was saying he considered anyone coming onto his property to be a violation of his rights and might shoot someone from the power company if they tried to install a smart meter. I wish I could have asked him how the power company reads his meter right now?

Stupidest person ever.

Comment MP3 Tunes Wasn't Even the First Locker Service (Score 2) 41 back in 1999 was offering a digital music locker online. borrowed large parts of the myplay design but instead of uploading they used their CD verification system which was judged to be illegal, then.... later mr Robertson copied myplay's entire feature set for mp3tunes.


Submission + - Timelapse Visualizing Activity In A Virtual Universe (

An anonymous reader writes: This really nice video takes a bunch of public data generated by the MMO 'Eve Online' and collects 2 months of activity into a visualization of players activity in the universe of Eve Online. It includes a list of big ticket kills with their game value helpfully converted to dollar values — it's alarming how often players lose ships with valuations of several thousand dollars.
Interestingly this video was created by the same person who visualized the asteroid belt in a similar style.

Comment Reading Stories To Kids (Score 1) 516

I'm an oft requested storyteller at school events because I make up voices for all the characters, and yes, I fall into the trap of giving most characters regional british accents. Bad guys frequently end up with some non-specific eastern european accent, and some more exotic characters get asian or scandinavian tilts.

But I never use american accents... not sure why, I just don't find enough characters that fit.

Comment I looked into writing this stuff a decade ago. (Score 1) 250

I take BART into work and sometimes got a ride home, and sometimes I'd forget to pick up my car. So , I realised that location based alarms were a technically feasable feature using GPS units or the newer cellphones that were location aware - so you'd be able to setup reminders to pick up your car when the bay bridge was crossed, or pick up milk when you entered a supermarket.

Back then there was no iPhone and getting the location info on most phones was just too much trouble so I abandoned the idea after a couple of weeks poking around.

Comment Failing Test != Failing Interview (Score 1) 743

I have a reputation for being hard on candidates, and I do like to push them way out of their comfort zone, I like to use red ink on their resumes when I think a skill they claim is unjustified.

But, I'm more interested in how they attempt to do things rather than whether they really solve the problem. Some people crank out code instantly which has bugs, others just freeze up and I have to go elsewhere, but it's all part of judging the person.

Comment Re:Both My Kids GO To A Waldorf School (Score 2) 333

Also, I feel the need to point out that this is a public charter school in Oakland, I don't pay any fees to send them there, but positions are limited. Most Waldorf schools are private. Truthfully I wasn't looking for specifically for a Waldorf school, we were just looking around for schools that were most likely to provide a good education.

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