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Comment Not surprised. (Score 1, Insightful) 993

Troll dev complaining when he gets trolled?

I do not take people's word for it when they claim serious things like getting actual valid death threats online. If you have one the first thing the police tell you to do is shut up about it in public forums least you scare away the person before they catch them.

Comment Re:Borderlands meets Halo (Score 3, Insightful) 93

I have watched level playthroughs.
Describing Destiny as the love child of Boarderlands 2 and Halo is pretty apt if you add to it that it takes the worst aspects of both.

It's like Boarderlands 2; except that the bad guys do not drop as much loot of either ammo or weapons, even when you're at a higher level they are bullet spongy so imagine how much more they will be when at or below their level, Guns have ammo pool types but you will run out of ammo faster than borderlands 2, at the end of each mission like Boarderlands 2 you can have one or several gun or item loot chests but the game only gives you 30 seconds to find it and take what you want before being booted back to the mission selection menu, and to get anything decent you have to grind.

It's like halo; except the bad guys are different in name only, the good guys no matter how you can customize their look will look like spartans, Well wait.. no it's just halo by any other name.

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