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Comment Similar to Hollywood? (Score 0) 251

Not surprised to see games with propaganda. Hollywood is doing this successfully for years, albeit (probably) without US Government asking for it.

In fact, in my opinion, Hollywood is the most successful PR machine the US has ever created. It's cultural impact on other countries and cultures is massive. People may politically dislike the US/US government/US military - but at the same time, a lot of them want to mimic The American as defined by Hollywood blockbusters.

It's a different discussion if this is good or bad, but it's certainly working for the US.

I am not surprised gaming industry is following it up - with active support from the government.

Comment Re:MS with more patents - Yikes! (Score -1) 114

I was thinking the same. The primary factor to consider buying RIM has to be it's patent portfolio. Sure, RIM has useful technology too, but right now, for all the patent crazy companies, it's just patents.

We have seen sparks of the war, but I want a patent lawsuit armageddon out there where no one is able to sell mobile phones anymore. That's the only outcome - a complete gridlock - which will wake up morons like Apple, Microsoft and whoever else is initiating the game forcing everybody else to play along.


Apple Wins Injunction Banning Import of HTC Devices 314

Newly accepted submitter squish18 writes "All Things D reports that Apple has won an injunction banning the import of some HTC phones starting in April 2012. The ruling by the ITC stems from two claims of the '647 patent concerning software used to enter personal data in mobile devices. It is interesting to note that the ITC has also reversed previous rulings regarding regarding infringement of two other '647 claims, as well as patent '263 claims." It looks like Apple's victory is relatively minor. They lost claims on all patents except for one, and HTC/Google can work on implementing similar functionality in a non-infringing way.

Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 2) 491

Well, I know, and I am not against the idea of money as incentive. But that, in no way, can justify immoral, unethical, psychopathic behavior of corporations in name of profit, and it can never be used to defend anything.

I have seen this "but they are answerable only to their stockholders" (i.e. capitalism) argument here on slashdot more than enough to make my blood boil.

Profit can never be allowed at the expense of person or society or humanity.

Comment Re:Well, well.. (Score 4, Insightful) 105

>> You really think Murdoch babysits any of these people?

No, but do you think it's unlikely that get-the-story-no-matter-what directives came from the top? Also, it was not just one case, they were doing this for long, and doing it systematically, and doing it with no regards to moral, ethical or legal aspects. I am not sure all this went on without it being the culture from top to bottom.

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