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iPhone Auto-Combusts On Australian Airplane 277

First time accepted submitter thegreymonkey writes "Last Friday, an iPhone caught fire on flight ZL319 operating from Lismore to Sydney. This incident is under investigation from Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). This accident might be related to the iPhone battery again." Whether it "caught fire" may be a matter of semantics; as reported in the above linked story and by Network World (hat tip to reader alphadogg), though, the iPhone "started glowing red and emitting dense smoke."

Comment Re:Corporate Dead Pool 2012 (Score 0) 169

Making free internationals calls to the US from amsterdam over wifi calling over my dual core querty keyboard 4g phone is definitely not a good price or a good phone.

Let me know when you are done trolling and we will then talk facts.

And not everybody gives shit about itoys. Some of us like phones that can do more than just looking shiny.

+5 interesting my ass.


Separating Fact From Hype On Mobile Malware 46

wiredmikey writes with this quote from an article about determining whether the recent doom-and-gloom reports about malware on mobile devices are justified: "As twilight approaches for 2011, security vendors have set their gaze on the rise of Android malware during the year and what is ahead. Last week, Juniper Networks entered the fray, declaring the number of malware samples it observed targeting devices running Google Android had shot up nearly 500 percent since July. Today, McAfee released its threats report for the third quarter of the year, which found that the amount of malware targeting Android devices jumped 37 percent since the second quarter. While there is no doubt the amount of malicious programs with Windows in their bull's eye dwarfs the amount of threats to mobile devices, the focus on Android malware have left some wondering how to separate fact from hype."

Comment Re:We are getting one (Score 1) 381

>> You make it sound like you're being impartial but you're not.

So your logic is: If you do not like an Apple product, you must be a hater/biased/Android-MS-Nokia fanboi. There is not one neutral person who ever disliked an Apple product for it's shortcomings. Because, of course, there are no shortcomings in an Apple product. Hence Apple is the best, and the OP is just biased and does not know anything.

That's the basic definition of RDF.


Apple Faces Temporary iPhone, iPad Ban In Germany 193

An anonymous reader writes "A regional court has temporarily banned Apple from marketing or supplying iPhones and iPads in Germany, following a suit brought about by Motorola. However, Apple said that the judgement 'does not affect our ability to do business or sell products in Germany at this time.' This may have something to do with the respondent in the case being Apple Inc, the US parent company, and not Apple GmbH, the company's local subsidiary."

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