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Comment Re:Dell, HP, Panasonic (Score 1) 417

Beyond that, their enterprise gear is actually quite good. For people who've only ever used Dell's consumer crap this may come as a bit of a surprise.

Which is why it's often worth getting their reconditioned stuff if you're not after the latest tech. There's no market for buy-back and refurb on individual units, so all their refurbs are solidly built enterprise laptops. My parents bought a couple dead cheap for browsing, email and word processing; and the only downside for them was the lack of HDMI.

Comment Gee, great plan. (Score 1) 678

So Shatner is looking for charitable donations to provide water to one of the richest regions on the face of the planet? Seriously? Is he going to back this campaign with a video of slow-mo shots of people suffering in the OC because their lawn is looking a little brown and the water level in their swimming pools is slightly lower than they'd like. "The people of Beverly Hills are slightly uncomfortable -- let's make their lives better."

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Yes, but that's a different issue -- too much electricity in a local zone, rather than too much electricity overall.

Let's take water as our analogy. Water flows to meet demand in the form of open taps. But very few of those taps are strictly regulating, and the outflow is a function of how far the tap is opened and the pressure in the system. Put more water into the mains and the pressure goes up, therefore more water is delivered at the tap. If your house has pressure regulating valves, you won't see this, but the pressure is then further increased at someone else's house.

Put power into the grid, and it *will* be delivered somewhere. If nowhere else will accept the load, it ends up being delivered as heat in the transformer in your local substation. How do you prevent substation fires? Fuses/breakers on the transformers... but that just kills one part of the circuit, and the power ends up getting delivered to another transformer. This sort of rolling blow-out used to be a problem -- one substation blows, leading to another blowing and another blowing and so on, and various power companies the world over have put a lot of time, energy and money into developing systems to prevent it happening.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Have the Germans found a way to eliminate the need to "dump" electricity? Last I knew, every country in the developed world needed to connect their circuits to earth (en_US: ground) in order to bleed off the excess when demand suddenly fell (eg right after the advert break in a popular soap -- lots of kettles go on suddenly, and within three minutes everyone's back in front of the TV).

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