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Comment Re:Nothing learned? (Score 1) 86

The server basically runs all kinds of calculations in real time to make sure everything the client says it's doing is accurate.

You buy the Shiny Gold Mace of Obliteration for 20,000 gold, client tells that to server, server runs the numbers to make sure you actually have at least 20,000 gold, said mace is available for purchase, the stats on said mace check with whatever is on the game database, etc.

That's part of the reason some MMOs have chronical lag issues, no matter how low your ping is. If all that overhead is poorly coded, players will experience lag, no way around it.

Comment Complete fail (Score 5, Insightful) 55

I don't see this being an advantage for ANYONE:

1. iPhone owners with an older model will get so little credit towards a new phone that they'll think twice before upgrading.

2. Apple fanboys will buy the newest iPhone, trade-in or no trade-in.

3. Android users with fancy devices (Note 4, S6) are fanboys and it'll be a cold day in hell before they switch to Apple.

4. People with regular mid-end Android devices -- see #1 above.

5. Blackberry users generally have company-issued phones, so they're not going to trade them.

6. Windows Phone users are drinking the MS Kool Aid (tm) and anxiously waiting for Windows 10 and the secomd coming of Jesus.

7. The trade-in program isn't available in developing countries yet, where Windows Phones are sold as budget devices (low end models only, of course).

8. So, who's left? Maybe all 3 people who bought a Firefox OS phone?

Comment Re:Hopefully this gows (Score 2) 167

And when the Williams FW15C basically created a new sub-category within F1 and then was banned the following season, everyone immediately knew that F1 racing was no longer about advancing technology to make better street cars, but it was all about lining Bernie's pockets.

Seriously, count the tech items in that car that eventually made it to street cars.

Comment Great alternative to rural areas (Score 4, Informative) 59

Mod me down into oblivion if you must, but not everyone lives in Seoul, Tokyo, Stockholm, or NYC with insanely fast fiber optics.

This is going to be great for people in rural areas, developing countries, and others who otherwise would remain hostages to the poor reliability and high latency of radio and satellite internet.

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