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Submission + - China lifts 13 year console ban (techienews.co.uk)

hypnosec writes: China has lifted the 13 year old gaming console ban, which it imposed back in 2000 as a way to protecting nation’s youth from unhealthy content that may adversely affect their mental health. The temporary lift of the ban, which was pronounced on Monday by the State Council of PCR, will make way for international console vendors including Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo to setup production facilities in the newly created Shanghai Free Trade Zone and sell their consoles throughout the country. The vendors will still have to go through local checks including the ones from the Cultural authorities to ensure that they don’t violate any of the rules set by them.

Comment HR will have that pink slip ready for ya. (Score 5, Insightful) 165

> I need it to work on files I am not allowed to take
> out when leaving

Where I used to work, this is grounds for immediate termination. I'm sure there's a reason you can't take those files home in a portable/flash drive (trade secrets, etc) and you want us to help you cirumvent that restriction?

Comment Re:ONE independent demo, please (Score 1) 207

Well, it's not like Consumer Reports can just go out and buy one of these self driving cars to test them out yet.

This is all very early research and we have to take their word for it for the time being.

Once they become commercially available, I definitely expect to see vastly different real-world performance of theses systems.

Comment Desktops are required... (Score 2) 453

To develop the apps that run on smartphones, tablets, smart watches, HMDs, etc.

Desktop gaming beats mobile gaming and console gaming every day of the week.

Oh yeah, and what tabet are you going to use to download those 10 seasons in 1080p of your favorite TV series.

Yes, those use cases are incredily niche uses by today's standards, but they'll keep desktops alive for the foreseeable future.

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