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Comment Re:Too fucking bad.. (Score 1) 502

i'm glad i'm not an American if this sort of thing is acceptable there.

Why would not being an American stop you from being prosecuted? In this case, the crime was against a US politician. If Julian Assange teaches us nothing else, it's that the US government doesn't especially care about where you're from if you annoy it badly enough.

Comment Re:Not a great idea (Score 1) 760

Problem: While many French enjoy snails, and many Scandinavians enjoy Lutefisk, almost no one else does.

Cultural likes of generally disgusting things seem to rise from a cultural familiarity originally born out of desperation.

Having eaten crickets, I'd describe them as vaguely meaty with a side of shredded sandpaper.

That unpleasant texture makes me think this story is a bit like encouraging using sand to increase the volume of food you're eating, and thus decrease the caloric intake.

Certainly, there are cultures who consume more sand in their food. It doesn't make sandy food equally valid, at least so far as tastiness goes.

If we're desperate enough, though, yeah, sandy food and insects will be on the menu. We'll probably even like it eventually.

Comment Re:Federal funds used to destroy embryos... (Score 1) 388

You don't sacrifice one person's life for another ... And that's the basic objection.

For the sake of argument, I'll accept the entirety of your post as you meant it.

Now, the embryo that was brought into existence through IVF will now either a) be thrown in the trash, possibly after dying a natural death in the freezer, never having developed beyond a few cells or b) be used for research that has the possibility of saving lives.

This is in no way comparable to abortion. This is directly comparable to using the organs of a person who is now brain dead, and will die shortly.

Most compassionate human beings want to help the living, not the soon-to-be-dead.

In the real world, that's the choice -- let them die a meaningless death, or have their lives mean something.

Comment Re:And I've got a 10 inch... (Score 1) 397

Sex for women is who will it be. Sex for men is when will it be. A big difference, no?

Yes. Thus the fact that the top end for women will have lots of prostitutes and porn stars, and the top end for men will have pick-up artists and celebrities.

I'm still not certain which of those groups are bigger.

Comment Re:And I've got a 10 inch... (Score 1) 397

Theoretically, yes, but the numbers for women should be higher at an earlier age, since there are more older men-younger women matches than older women-younger men.

That, and since we're talking median(rather than mean) when we say, "average", one woman having sex with 300 men would skew the median in a way that 300 women having sex with 300 men wouldn't.

That said, I don't know if one gender is especially more top heavy on sexual experiences than the other.

Comment Re:It'll be a while before we get confirmation... (Score 2, Insightful) 512

That was a splendid post, but I wanted to point one thing out:

We didn't make fun of him because he was stupid. We made fun of him because he was wrong.

We made fun of him because he was wrong and stupid.

The thing is, the speech sounded like it came directly from a lobbyist's press release. Okay, lots of speeches sound like that, but Stevens, in attempting to get the gist of the argument, changed things that no one who actually knew anything about the topic would ever say.

So, yes, he was wrong with what he was trying to say, as he was a mouthpiece for AT&T or some other company. He was stupid because he was speaking confidently from a position of obvious ignorance.

All this said, I was happy when Stevens lost his final campaign, but I find only sadness in his dying unnaturally. If he had lived longer, well, maybe he would have learned more about the internet and changed his position.

Comment Re:And the supreme court... (Score 1) 232

Regardless of where you stand on the matter, this case is a major win for a restrained judiciary that does not legislate from the bench.

Considering that the Supreme Court appears to legislate from the bench on every issue that liberals or conservatives actually care about, judicial restraint on a topic that neither group cares about is hardly a "major win".

Personally, I've grown to detest how copyright/trademark/patent cases play out, which is that the Supreme Court decides an individual case, and provides "guidance" that virtually assures that the common person will need a lawyer in order to claim any rights.

Comment Re:Bad on software patents (Score 1) 239

John Paul Stevens is an example of that. He was appointed by Gerald Ford and sold as a conservative. He is arguably the furthest Left of any Justice currently sitting on the Court.

He replaced William O Douglas, who created/discovered the constitutional right to privacy.

So, sure, Stevens is arguably as leftist as any justice currently sitting on the court, but compared to the guy he replaced he _is_ a conservative.

Comment Re:does Wales still have any authority? (Score 1) 263

To force certain "standards of behavior" on a corporation

How about anti-trust law? How about workers' rights, such as requiring payment for certain people's overtime? Or requiring that businesses be run more safely, when they can find people willing to take the greater risk? How about the regulations that kick in once a business reaches a certain size?

I'm sure there's a reasonable argument you're almost making about how it's unreasonable to force corporations to also follow the same restrictions we put on government, but the government already restricts corporations in behavior that has nothing to do with "fundamental rights".

I also doubt your assertion that it's the case for all other private property, as, among other things, I'm not sure what fundamental right there is for the public to take money from you based on how valuable a piece of land and/or building is.

Comment Re:When they're right, they're right (Score 1) 386

Most people agree that the original author should have control of his creation. For example, my sister was very upset that someone wrote a sequel to Gone With the Wind, because the original author didn't want a sequel to be written

This comment reminds me of the possibility of Matrix sequels, and the possibility of Star Wars prequels. We're glad they never happened, as the creator realized that they would be unable to capture the sheer genius of their previous works.

So, personally, I suppose I'm glad to have creators with such obvious ability to assess their own talent, but I'd sure like copyrights to be shorter so that we could get dozens of attempts at making sequels and prequels, where, since it wasn't made by the original creator, we could ignore the bad ones and promote the good ones, like with what has happened with Shakespearian knockoffs and new Sherlock Holmes adventures.

Comment Re:WTF? Just ask the patient. (Score 1) 981

Kind of like asking $sexual_preference people if they would like to be cured? Or perhaps asking $skin_colour people if they would like to be cured?

How about asking if intersex people want to be cured? In that case, a large amount of intersex people already have that moral decision made for them, because certain parts of society can't imagine someone wanting to not be physically entirely male or female. So, perhaps, rather than talking about "deaf culture" and "colorblind culture", we could talk about "intersex culture", and ask a group of people who already have the choice, or had the choice taken from them.

"problem" is identifying colour blindness as a defect that needs a cure

I'd like four functional arms, the ability to see in infrared and ultraviolet, and to correct some of God's design flaws(e.g., I'd like a back that's designed for standing.). Is that normal? Probably not, but why should someone else get to make the choice for me, if it were possible? Why should some group's interests mean I won't be allowed to switch my skin color or sexual orientation?

meet some baseline or be classified as defective.

I do agree that life would be a lot easier if society accepted different people more than it does.

Comment Re:wifi in the kitchen? (Score 2, Insightful) 408

do they adequately verify that these "girls" are actually human females?

You say that like it matters.

They're certainly not all attractive, 20-something genetic girls on the porn hotlines, so why would this be different? What matters is what you perceive, given that it's a pretend world regardless of how hot and sexy the worker is.

Anyway, I, for one, welcome aliens practicing their English and sexual skills by impersonating a porn human.

Comment Re:this "natural human function" (Score 1) 383

Somehow society thinks it's reasonable to let a 16-year-old drive a car. This decision will kill many of them. Many more than who will die from anything sex-related over their entire life. And I'd imagine that having someone you know and love die/get brain damage/be crippled is more of an emotional minefield than breakups or STIs.

So, sure, very few human societies have cavalier attitudes toward sex, but the whole car thing shows that it's not just about the actual risks.

Frankly, if you want a reasonable legal response to sex, taking naked photos wouldn't be a big deal, and teenagers would be prosecuted for sex-related crimes only if they neglected to get tested for STIs or didn't go on birth control beforehand(And condom usage would be mandatory, but I don't know how you'd prosecute for that).

Is that immoral? Possibly. I don't want the state to care about morality, I want the state to care about actual harm.

Comment Re:Should there be ANY government secrets? (Score 1) 555

we will depend on the judgment of the "leaker" and of the Wikileaks editors. Personally, I'd prefer the government officials...

Okay, government officials covered up various embarrassing things, like photos of caskets filled with dead soldiers killed by government decisions. They also covered up the warrant-less wiretapping done by the phone companies.

That's the first two examples that come into my head. I'd also consider most of the Wikileaks info to be stuff that should have been made public, but wasn't because it makes the government look bad.

Now, on the side of info gotten from Wikileaks that caused the country actual harm... Well, okay, perhaps I'm just biased, but I can't immediately think of a single example(for leaks in general, I remember something about an embedded reporter giving out troop locations, though I'll admit I don't have any reason to think that caused actual harm, even if it was stupid.). Since you think the government is doing it right, and the leakers are doing it wrong, I would assume you could easily find, oh, half a dozen examples.

Not that I find any real flaw in your reasoning -- I just don't think the results agree with you.

Comment Re:Governments don't keep secrets for the hell of (Score 1) 555

Sometimes its for good national security reasons which in the long run protect the public.

Your argument makes sense so long as you fear others more than you fear the government.

After eight years where the Bush administration called virtually everything "national security", encouraged phone companies to spy on us without judicial oversight, and thought that the whole of the PATRIOT act was a good idea, we got the slightly-more-open Obama administration that somehow thinks that extreme secrecy is necessary when negotiating a copyright treaty.

Those things scare me significantly more than worrying about the stuff that Wikileaks has come up with.

Also, consider that Wikileaks only gets info that leakers give to them -- if some bit of data likely would cause the country great damage, I'd hope the person in possession of it would have the good sense not to leak it. Sure, some people in power will abuse their leaking-power occasionally, but most leakers don't reveal secrets for the hell of it.

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