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User Journal

Journal Journal: No more foes/

I have no foes list any more, I hosed the fucker out. I now will only coat my bullets with pork lard. :D

User Journal

Journal Journal: Birthday amnesty

Tomorrow is my birthday! Whee!!! I got two telescopes for myself. I am loving being able to go out and look into space an night.

Well since it's a "new year" for me all the folks on my "foes" list are no longer going to be marked as such. So it's a birthday amnesty for you all ;D. Like anyone cares but I thought about it a few times and decided to purge the list for my birthday.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Damm! All better now.

Wow 9 weeks now after having my prostate out and I am pretty much back to normal. I was totally freeked out when I was going to have to do this. The cancer was all isolated to my prostate so I am good to go. Get the damm thing checked.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Prostate Cancer. My Foes list.

Well I am getting ready to go in and have my cancerous prostate removed on 04/30/04. Being 51 I figured it was the best choice. Radiation would make it impossible to remove later if I needed to do it my Doctor said. So it's comming out. I just hope it hasn't spread to any other part of my body. I just was floored when I heard it was cancerous. All I can tell you is if you are 40 start getting your PSA (prostate specfic antigen) levels

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
