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Comment Re:Use a RJ45 jack please (Score 1) 358

And buy a new cable every few months?

I've had several cables whose plastic clippy endy things have snapped off, including ones with rubber covers. They still work but you have to hold the cable in place, rather than the satisfying click that normally accompanies inserting the cable.

That's just from carrying the cable in a laptop bag and plugging it in each day.

Comment Re:Generic Hardware (Score 1) 125

Well back when Symbian was king and before Kickstarter, there was a phone platform for tinkerers - Neo 1973/Freerunner.

Suffice to say it died. A main reason was software - few people wanted to pay for a half-finished platform. Today, numerous alternatives exist to windows phone and iOS. e.g. Android, Sailfish, Tizen, Firefox OS.

So a feasible crowd-funded project might be to hire, full time, a few kernel hackers to write blob replacements for replicant and integrate the free GPU efforts of rpi/lima/freedreno. Outsourcing the hardware to ZTE and Geeksphone, based on schematics from the Google/Moto modular smartphone project Ara.

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