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Comment Success rate of 0% (Score -1, Flamebait) 152

"The Russians have always understood that a space station is nothing more than a prototype of an interplanetary spaceship."

Given the fact that Russia has never managed to even get an unmanned probe working successfully on Mars -- much less even gotten a manned mission to orbit the Moon -- maybe they should realize that the "prototypes" they've been building for over 40 years haven't been too successful.

Oh, and oil just crashed... have fun paying for all that with your Putin Pictures -- uh, I mean "rubles".

Comment Re:Hopelesss (Score 2) 124

Unless IT security gets real, non drill, respect, what's the point?

IT security won't get real respect until they actually know more than the people they annoy with their (literally) useless rules.

When you have some moron with a CISSP telling people who write network protocol stacks for a living what browsers they can use (this week), do you really expect to see a lot of "respect" flowing in that direction?

Modern InfoSec amounts to little more than snake-oil. AV vendors have admitted that their products can't keep us safe, while Mr. CISM insists on cranking up the settings to the point that an 24-core behemoth can barely get out of its own way.

Meanwhile, we hear about yet another fortune-500 compromise, with its own highly-paid head of IT security, on a daily basis.

You want respect? I get my job done. Try doing the same.

Comment Re:Too many here pretend Ds and Rs are the same (Score 0) 496

Thank non-existent diety that NASA is currently run by Atheist/Islamic bootlickers then!

I mean, NASA is so much more capable today after we implemented the anti-religion tests compared to those dark-ages of the 1960s!

I mean, can you believe that one of those primitive cave men EVEN READ FROM THE BIBLE without being decapitated ( )

Now, it would be just fine with use brave, completely even-handed and rational Atheists if he had read from the HOLY Q'U'R'A'N' (Obama Ackbar! ISIS is misunderstood!) but the Bible? That's sacrelige!

We are SO much better off with today's NASA than that relic from the '60's! Don't let that evil Ted Cruz take us back to the DARK AGES!

Comment Of course it's Settled Science (Score -1, Troll) 496

After all, apocalyptic Global Warming made exclusively by evil white racist Republicans -- oh but I repeat myself --- is a proven scientific fact and anyone who disagrees is just an infidel -- uh I mean "right wing religious extremist denier scum".

Why waste government money studying Settled Science (TM)?

Comment Re:They gave MS 90 days (Score 1) 629

So you do not ever support disclosure. Okay, valid stance, though I do not happen to agree with you.

If no one forces their hand, companies have proven, repeatedly, that they will simply sit on known vulnerabilities until hell freezes over. In the mean time, countless millions of systems remain vulnerable. And if one random security researcher could find the exploit, so can government-funded hackers such as Dimona, the Russian mob, the NSA, Bureau 121, etc.

I would rather have critical exploits patched eventually, even if it means two days of increased visibility to the problem. YMMV.

Comment Re:Android is not Chrome. (Score 2) 629

In fairness, I loathe FaceBook as well.

Key difference, though, Facebook doesn't nag me to join every time I check my email or calendar or pull something off my Drive. No doubt, they would if they offered any other services I had an interest in using without using FB itself; but since they don't, that doesn't really apply.

Comment Android is not Chrome. (Score 5, Insightful) 629

First, I consider myself a fan of the Googlesphere. I love Android, love Chrome, love GMail, enjoy the availability of their online Apps, and so on. (Hate hate hate Google+, though).

And saying that - Google needs to come to terms with the fact that they can't get away with the same bullshit update cycle for an OS installed on physical hardware, as they do with Chrome. For a desktop browser, weekly updates with support ending more-or-less after a year counts as an annoyance, but not a deal-killer. For an OS, just "no". My last phone lasted a decade - Support your devices (at least for critical vulnerability patches) for at least that long, or GTFO of the playground.

Comment Re:Predictions have been pretty good, actually (Score 2) 786

temperatures have not significantly risen in the last 18 years.

18 year graph, yes temperatures have risen over the last 18 years.

What you were trying to cite was the was this. If you look at that graph you'll see that the earth has been on a cooling trend line (the straight lines), every year since 1965. Obviously the graph is rising, and obviously all of the cooling trend-lines are completely fictional. That's exactly how denialist websites try to quote that warming has "stopped", when it obviously hasn't. The genuine long term warming trend always breaks the fictional short-term trend lines after a few years.


Comment Dupe of Story from 1860 (Score 0, Troll) 117

This is just a dupe of a story from 1860 with a few minor details changed. Here's the original:

"The Luxury of a Bottomless Bucket of Labor For Georgia Plantation Owners"

The Cotton Plantations across Georgia have a luxury that most Oligarchs could only dream of â" access to about 2,800,000 slaves and a private labor ownership that they an always count on. The private labor configuration allows the perk of not focusing on wages. "Our local overseers even take some pleasure in telling pesky northern labor representatives, 'If you can beat free, then I'm willing to listen.' That tends to shut down most conversations," writes Slave Management Specialist Curt Carver, who explains how the free labor is now becoming an educational equalizer across the South. In 1861, Georgia school districts are expected to have a 33-fold increase in free labor available to them through selective breeding. "This will help to flatten the state. No more haves or have-nots in terms of labor going into the cotton fields."

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 198

Obligations? The creator is free to limit publication as much as they like.

Uh-huh. Stuff that genie back in the bottle, Clyde! Tell me - Why do you think copyright eventually expires?

Hint: Have you ever heard of a guy named Bill Shakespeare? Pity, really, that he decided to burn his entire body of work as soon as it stopped making him money... I've heard (from commentary about commentary about commentary about commentary about commentary about commentary about commentary, of course, since each successive commenter also "limited publication as much as they like") that he wrote some quite good plays.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 198

Copyright isn't only about sale, it's about creators' rights. You knuckleheads just don't seem to understand this.

True, but not how you meant it. Copyright exists to temporarily grant content creators a limited monopoly on the reproduction of their work, to reward them for creating it for us in the first place.

You pro-copyright knuckleheads just don't seem to understand that once you make use of the benefits of copyright, you need to follow through with the obligations of it. And if you won't make sure that somehow you carry out your half of the bargain in 95 years ("life+70" doesn't apply so well for companies, so "publication+95" will usually count as the earlier of the two), don't come whining when others fulfill your reciprocal obligations for you.

Comment Re:History Channel (Score 2) 166

every single person to investigate or own the island was a free mason. Including Franklin Roosevelt! [...] I'm pretty sure every rumor about the free masons ruling the world was likely started by an actual Free Mason.

You could fairly argue that FDR did rule the world.

Jus' sayin'.

Comment No.. they really haven't (Score 3, Informative) 136

All that was shown here is that AMD's *OpenGL* drivers on Linux aren't too far off from AMD's *OpenGL* performance on Windows.

Considering that AMD's OpenGL Implementation on Windows is kind of a joke compared to D3D, and considering that AMD is now even dumping D3D in favor of its proprietary* Mantle platform, this article basically proved that AMD's Windows OpenGL support is also lacking badly.

* Before anyone says Mantle is "open": AMD's executives promised an SDK published by the end of 2014... didn't happen. AMD has made zero efforts to make Mantle work on any OS other than Windows... hell, while DX11 ain't an open standard at least I can go online and get docs on how to write a program using DX11 and make it work on Windows... you can't even do that with Mantle!

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