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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 84 declined, 18 accepted (102 total, 17.65% accepted)


Submission + - Unscrambling an Android telephone with FROST (

Noryungi writes: Researchers at the University of Erlangen demonstrates how to recover an Android phone confidential content, with the help of a freezer and FROST, a specially-crafted Android ROM. Quite an interesting set of pictures, starting with wrapping your Android phone in a freezer bag...

Submission + - Greg Palast on Piers Morgans and Aaron Swartz (

Noryungi writes: While Aaron Swartz was hounded mercilessly for the made-up crime of publishing information, Piers Morgan enjoys his prime-time slot on CNN... While guilty of much more serious crimes than Aaron. A must-read article by investigative journalist Greg Palast.

Submission + - Zombie Apocalypse: this is how it all begins (

Noryungi writes: Courtesy of Zero Hedge, ladies and gentlemen, this is the official start of the Zombie Apocalypse... A naked man was shot and killed by an officer of the Miami Police Department after chewing through half the face of another person. Interesting detail: according to some witnesses it took half a dozen shots to kill the attacker. Add to this a somewhat related piece of news about a mysterious (parasiting?) disease transforming african children into zombies and it's time to revise your classics before all hell starts to break loose.

Submission + - Apache Foundation to manage Open Office (

Noryungi writes: Despite some licensing problems between the LGPL and the Apache License, it seems Oracle has decided to spin off Open Office and donate it to the Apache Software Foundation. While this is probably due to a lack of interest from Oracle, it is nevertheless good news and may even open the door to a merge of Libre Office and Open Office.

Submission + - 8.9 Quake hits Japan. (

Noryungi writes: One the biggest Earthquake to hit Japan within the past 20 years is going on.
There are report of 10m-high tsunami off the coast.


Submission + - 1977 Star Wars computer graphics (

Noryungi writes: The interestingly named "Topless Robot" has a real trip down memory lane: how the computer graphics of the original Star Wars movie were made. The article points to thisYouTube video of a short documentary made by Larry Cuba, the original artist, explains how he did it. In 1977. Computer graphics and Star Wars: what could be better?

Submission + - Blackberry "spy" software released

Noryungi writes: "Maybe the French were onto something after all. It turns out that there is a software able to spy on Blackberries, and record voice conversations and all messages (emails or SMS text message) that transit through the portable devices. Of course, the software has to be installed by the owner of the Blackberry, but it would not be surprising to find out that someone has found a way to silently auto-install that software on RIM devices."
Red Hat Software

Submission + - OpenBSD founder slams OLPC, Red Hat, Marvell

Noryungi writes: Theo DeRaadt, the founder of OpenBSD, has made public an email sent to OLPC and Red Hat. In this email, he strongly condemns the willingness of both Red Hat and OLPC, who signed an NDA with Marvell in order to user this company's WiFi chips in the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project. Choice quote: "It is clear that your choices are not about opening up Marvell, but simply commercially expedient and hurtful to our common cause [open source]."

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