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Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 1) 195

That's my point - they were given provisional approval to proceed, and when they failed the tests the FCC allowed them for months to submit proposed solutions. The provisional approval should never have been given, as it's a totally different use for the band than allocated for in the license - the FCC should have closed the door right then and there.

Then we'd be reading a story about how some spoiled rich brat was suing because the mean ol' FCC wouldn't approve his nifty idea.

1. Spoiled rich brats usually aren't doing anything technical enough and affecting the EM spectrum enough to require FCC approval.
2. If they are, they usually have Daddy (or themselves if they are old enough) to buy off a few politicians to get the law changed, after a prolonged media campaign about "modernizing" the laws.

Comment Re:shakespeare's answer: (Score 4, Informative) 517

"methinks the lady doth protest too much"

if the documents were fake, they wouldn't elicit such a strong reaction. therefore, the documents are real

Not to be nit-picky, but when the queen said this in Hamlet, she meant "promise" too much, as the word was sometimes used then.

Comment Re:Hypocrisy at its finest (Score 2) 517

The most fascinating thing about this is the general hypocrisy involved. Whenever the whole "ClimateGate" matter occurred, Heartland was at the front of trumpeting the documents from that (which incidentally turned out to be utterly benign), with zero concern about the ethics of taking confidential documents from other people using hacking. Yet now, when the same thing happens to them, they use every bit of the legal system to go after not just the people who actually did do it but anyone who is then commenting or reproducing the documents. Really charming behavior.

You want to see even greater hypocrisy? Go to the Heartland Institute site and look up their articles on Tort Reform. Hypocrisy indeed!

Comment Re:Well well... (Score 1, Flamebait) 303

Now if they could only figure out that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, and therefore does not fall under the Clean Air Act either...

Well, anything is a pollutant in high enough quantities, but sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. The climate WILL change. If not from AWG, then from something else. Perhaps a meteor strike, or a massive volcano, or decreased/increased solar activity. Better to focus on creating an upwardly mobile society that can more easily adapt to these inevitable changes than to risk making society poorer and therefore less able to adapt. Within reason of course. Not to advocate for slash and burn in the name of economic expansion, but we're not ready to run our economies on windmills and horse manure yet.

Sure, and the human race could go completely batshit insane and commit mass suicide. Why don't you test this theory first on yourself?

Comment Re:nothing? (Score 3, Funny) 892

We have freedom, and the love and admiration of the surviving family members of the bombed. We are bombing the Love into them.

So, in Apocolyse Now, when the air cavalry was flying in with the rising sun on their backs, they should have played Elton John's "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" instead?

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